José Pedro Charlo

José Pedro Charlo


José Pedro Charlo Filipovich is a director, producer and teacher. He directed several documentary feature films, with his main topic being Uruguayan left-wing figures. His documentaries have been shown in festivals and television stations in America and Europe.


José Pedro Charlo


Conversaciones con Turiansky
Retrato biográfico y crónica sobre el movimiento obrero y la izquierda uruguaya, “Conversaciones con Turiansky” combina dos relatos. El primero retrata al hijo de inmigrantes, al ingeniero apasionado por el misterio de la electricidad, al hombre enamorado, al cinéfilo. El otro sitúa al protagonista en su tiempo: las luchas sindicales, el avance del autoritarismo, la cárcel y los desafíos del presente. En ambos están presentes la lucidez, el compromiso, la discreta ternura y aún el humor de Wladimir Turiansky.
Conversaciones con Turiansky
Retrato biográfico y crónica sobre el movimiento obrero y la izquierda uruguaya, “Conversaciones con Turiansky” combina dos relatos. El primero retrata al hijo de inmigrantes, al ingeniero apasionado por el misterio de la electricidad, al hombre enamorado, al cinéfilo. El otro sitúa al protagonista en su tiempo: las luchas sindicales, el avance del autoritarismo, la cárcel y los desafíos del presente. En ambos están presentes la lucidez, el compromiso, la discreta ternura y aún el humor de Wladimir Turiansky.
Los de siempre
Cuenta la historia de un grupo de vecinos que hace años se juntó para formar un coro en un barrio de Montevideo. El coro es una forma de luchar contra la soledad, un lugar de encuentro, pero después del ensayo o actuación los vecinos tienen que volver la cotidianidad.
Los de siempre
Cuenta la historia de un grupo de vecinos que hace años se juntó para formar un coro en un barrio de Montevideo. El coro es una forma de luchar contra la soledad, un lugar de encuentro, pero después del ensayo o actuación los vecinos tienen que volver la cotidianidad.
El Almanaque
La historia del militante del Movimiento de Liberación Nacional-Tupamaros Jorge Tiscornia, preso político uruguayo, durante 4646 días a partir del año 1972, en el Penal de Libertad, de las curiosas estrategias que las víctimas de la persecución política para sobrevivir y del registro minucioso que llevó de ese período oculto en un par de zuecos con plataforma de madera que él mismo pergeñó.
El Almanaque
La historia del militante del Movimiento de Liberación Nacional-Tupamaros Jorge Tiscornia, preso político uruguayo, durante 4646 días a partir del año 1972, en el Penal de Libertad, de las curiosas estrategias que las víctimas de la persecución política para sobrevivir y del registro minucioso que llevó de ese período oculto en un par de zuecos con plataforma de madera que él mismo pergeñó.
El Círculo
Award-winning documentary about how one Uruguayan leftist survived solitary confinement during the dirty war. The story of former Tupamaro guerilla fighter, Henry Engler, whose prolonged confinement and torture during the Uruguayan dictatorship led to a mental breakdown. Today Dr. Engler is a Swedish citizen and a scientist renowned for his research into Alzheimer’s disease. In this impressive documentary, the scientist visits the places of his painful past, painting an intimate and disturbing portrait of prison life under the dictatorship.
El Círculo
Award-winning documentary about how one Uruguayan leftist survived solitary confinement during the dirty war. The story of former Tupamaro guerilla fighter, Henry Engler, whose prolonged confinement and torture during the Uruguayan dictatorship led to a mental breakdown. Today Dr. Engler is a Swedish citizen and a scientist renowned for his research into Alzheimer’s disease. In this impressive documentary, the scientist visits the places of his painful past, painting an intimate and disturbing portrait of prison life under the dictatorship.
Bichuchi, la Vida de Alfredo Evangelista
This is a documentary about the Uruguayan boxer Alfredo Evangelista, who at height of his career even fought against Mohammad Ali. A considerable part of the film is a long interview with him in Carabanchel prison in Madrid. Alfredo, one of Uruguay's last sporting legends, tells his story for the camera. He talks about his life and his career in sport, and he reflects bitterly and lucidly about the mistakes he has made and his situation today.
Bichuchi, la Vida de Alfredo Evangelista
Executive Producer
This is a documentary about the Uruguayan boxer Alfredo Evangelista, who at height of his career even fought against Mohammad Ali. A considerable part of the film is a long interview with him in Carabanchel prison in Madrid. Alfredo, one of Uruguay's last sporting legends, tells his story for the camera. He talks about his life and his career in sport, and he reflects bitterly and lucidly about the mistakes he has made and his situation today.
Bichuchi, la Vida de Alfredo Evangelista
This is a documentary about the Uruguayan boxer Alfredo Evangelista, who at height of his career even fought against Mohammad Ali. A considerable part of the film is a long interview with him in Carabanchel prison in Madrid. Alfredo, one of Uruguay's last sporting legends, tells his story for the camera. He talks about his life and his career in sport, and he reflects bitterly and lucidly about the mistakes he has made and his situation today.
A las Cinco en Punto
Executive Producer
The biggest peaceful demonstration of resistance to an authoritarian regime in Latin America in the 1970s was the general strike whereby Uruguayan workers and students rejected the military coup of 27 June 1973. In this documentary we follow what happened from two perspectives: that of the people who took part in the mass mobilisation, and that of those who captured those events in images.
A las Cinco en Punto
The biggest peaceful demonstration of resistance to an authoritarian regime in Latin America in the 1970s was the general strike whereby Uruguayan workers and students rejected the military coup of 27 June 1973. In this documentary we follow what happened from two perspectives: that of the people who took part in the mass mobilisation, and that of those who captured those events in images.
A las Cinco en Punto
The biggest peaceful demonstration of resistance to an authoritarian regime in Latin America in the 1970s was the general strike whereby Uruguayan workers and students rejected the military coup of 27 June 1973. In this documentary we follow what happened from two perspectives: that of the people who took part in the mass mobilisation, and that of those who captured those events in images.
Alma mater
Pamela, 34 años, es una mujer pequeña y tímida, que trabaja como cajera en un supermercado de Montevideo. Acude a un templo religioso dirigido por un pastor brasileño. Es adicta a los dulces. Visita regularmente a su madre autista. Un personaje anónimo. Una vida sin brillo. De pronto, el milagro ocurre. Mensajes de un destino maravilloso llegan a Pamela por vías insólitas : un misterioso cliente, un travesti amable y carismático, sueños, códigos de barra, señales reales e imaginarias. El Salvador del próximo milenio está en camino y ella, virgen como es, podría ser la Elegida para traerlo al mundo.
La Espera
In Montevideo, Sonja cares for her invalid mother, works in a garment factory, and has little going for her. Her neighbor Modesto, an older man who lives alone, types anonymous letters to her. Her mother is difficult -- demanding and miserable, afraid of death. Sonja meets Ernesto, a nurseryman, and finally there may be some possibilities in her life. Does freedom beckon?
Héctor, el Tejedor
Héctor Rodríguez (1918-1996) was one of the outstanding figures in the people's movement in Uruguay. He was a textile worker and also a member of parliament for the Communist Party, and he was expelled from their ranks in the 1950s. He was a journalist, a militant activist and a political prisoner, and a key force in trade union unity and left wing politics in Uruguay. His life was bound up with some of the most important events in the history of this country after 1930. As well as Héctor's own testimony we have the voices of textile workers, intellectuals, union members and politicians, in a rich mixture of archive film and photographs.
Héctor, el Tejedor
Héctor Rodríguez (1918-1996) was one of the outstanding figures in the people's movement in Uruguay. He was a textile worker and also a member of parliament for the Communist Party, and he was expelled from their ranks in the 1950s. He was a journalist, a militant activist and a political prisoner, and a key force in trade union unity and left wing politics in Uruguay. His life was bound up with some of the most important events in the history of this country after 1930. As well as Héctor's own testimony we have the voices of textile workers, intellectuals, union members and politicians, in a rich mixture of archive film and photographs.