Dan Vining


Black Dog
Jack Crews es un camionero profesional que perdió su licencia y fue a prisión tras verse envuelto en un fatal accidente. Despojado de los medios para subsistir, Jack se ve forzado a volver a la carretera para entregar un cargamento ilegal de armas al hombre que ha secuestrado a su familia.
Escape: Human Cargo
An American entrepreneur is closing a deal in Saudi Arabia in 1977. After a fallout with his influential Saudi partners, they have him arrested. Due to the US policy of noninterference in SA, the embassy won't help him. He must escape.
In My Sister's Shadow
Joan Connor is a lonely florist who falls for her little sister's ex, even though he is stalking the younger woman.
Her Deadly Rival
A man's life and marriage fall apart when he is stalked and harassed by a mysterious secret admirer -- a woman he claims he has never met, in this fact-based variation on "Fatal Attraction."
Ropa nueva
Intentando demostrar la inocencia de su hermano, el agente de policía Nick Dunbar, bajo el pseudónimo de Nick Springsteen, se hace pasar por estudiante y se infiltra en su instituto para averiguar quién mató al profesor Bradwood. En sus múltiples peripecias, deberá descubrir la identidad del asesino, enfrentarse a una pandilla de matones del centro, evitar a las chicas que intentan ligar con él y enamorar a su bella profesora de lengua...
Wild Horses
An over-the-hill rodeo champion gets fired from his assembly line job in Texas. He and a buddy then decide to head to Wyoming to get a job herding mustangs. His wife gives him her his blessing, knowing he needs to find something which satisfies his spirit. They sign up for a roundup headed by a veteran cowboy. With the job, he finds himself cross-wise of a corrupt government official, who is making big profits on the illegal sale of wild horses.