Marion Gering

Nacimiento : 1901-06-09, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Muerte : 1977-04-19


Violated Paradise
A modern geisha travels through Japan trying to find a job as entertainer, and ends up by finding love and a job as ama, a pearl diver.
Sailor meets singer in Cuba. He's due to ship out, but hits it off with her, so he sticks around. Trouble brewing on many fronts - singer's best friend doesn't like the sailor, and singer has another suitor anyway. Rich guy takes her to all the fancy Cuban sports events - jai-alai, horse racing. Much more glamorous than spending time with Sailor. Can he win her over before he gets in trouble for letting his ship sail without him?
Sailor meets singer in Cuba. He's due to ship out, but hits it off with her, so he sticks around. Trouble brewing on many fronts - singer's best friend doesn't like the sailor, and singer has another suitor anyway. Rich guy takes her to all the fancy Cuban sports events - jai-alai, horse racing. Much more glamorous than spending time with Sailor. Can he win her over before he gets in trouble for letting his ship sail without him?
She Married an Artist
Because Thornwood's portraits of comely model Sally Dennis are in such great demand, he is obliged to spend virtually all his time with Sally, which prompts Toni to seek retribution in divorce court.
Thunder in the City
A visiting American engages in a bold business promotion, the likes of which the British have not seen.
Lady of Secrets
Because of a very unhappy affair she had earlier in her life, a woman shuts herself off from the rest of the world.
Rose of the Rancho
It is California in 1852 that only recently being surrendered by Mexico to the United States and admitted into the union. Most of the land-owners of California were the descendants of the Dons who had colonized it a hundred years before and whose title deeds bore the signature and seal of a long-dead Spanish king. But, by a loop-hole in the law, the title-deeds of the Dons could not be recognized, and this opened the door of organized gangs of land-grabbers, such as the one led by Joe Kincaid, to operate with a prime excuse for legitimate plunder and robbery. In most cases the law was unable to cope with the situation. Then Rosita Castro, the daughter of Don Pasqual Castro, masked and disguised as a man, organized a band of vigilantes to fight against the tyranny of the outlaws, aided by an undercover federal agent, Jim Kearney.
A bored society girl sets her sights on a dancer in a Broadway show.
Ready for Love
In this fluffy romance, a young woman fights against the narrow-minded residents of her small town. The trouble begins when a young woman flees her boarding school to stay with her retired aunt, a former actress, who try as she might, has never been welcomed into the snobbish community in which she resides. The young woman too, is shunned and ends up being victimized in witchcraft trial and ducked into a pool of water.
Princesa por un mes
La princesa Catterina se pone enferma de paperas justo antes de viajar a los Estados Unidos. Al ser un viaje fundamental para la supervivencia económica de su Reino, contrata a una actriz de enorme parecido físico con ella para que suplante su personalidad. Aunque nadie nota la farsa, todo se complica cuando el editor de un periódico quiere acompañar a la princesa en su gira americana...
Good Dame
A chorus girl gets stranded in a small midwestern town. Against her better judgement, she hooks up with a smooth-talking con artist who says he can help her get out of town.
Jennie Gerhardt
This turn-of-the-century tragedy chronicles the sorrowful travails of a woman who endures a series of devastating losses.
Pick Up
The scheme of a pair of married con artists goes awry when their victim dies, and they are both caught and imprisoned. When she gets out of prison, she tries to put her life back together.
Madame Butterfly
Un oficial norteamericano se siente enormemente atraído por una bella geisha.
Entre la espada y la pared
Debido a sus enfermizos celos, el comandante de la armada Charles Storm, ha condenado a su mujer a una vida tan desgraciada que acaba echándose en brazos de un apuesto teniente. Cuando Charles se entera, se despierta en él el deseo de venganza.
Ladies of the Big House
Una pareja de recién casados es víctima de las maniobras del ex de la mujer, un gangster rencoroso y cruel. Acaban acusados de un crimen que no han cometido, él sentenciado a muerte y ella a cadena perpetua. Perro la anterior novia del gangster, que está en la misma cárcel, la ayuda a demostrar su inocencia.
24 Hours
A nightclub singer is carrying on an affair with a married man. When she is found murdered, her lover is suspected of the crime.
Acepto esta mujer
Tom y Kay son dos jóvenes enamorados que se casan, pero el padre de ella no está de acuerdo con ese matrimonio y la desheredera. Cuando el padre de Kay consigue que se divorcien, ella no tarda en darse cuenta del error que ha cometido.