Pedro Pereira


L'oiseau de la nuit
Mysterious portrait of Fernando, aka Deborah Krystal, the glittering and poetic performer of the Lisbon club Finalmente, where he has been performing every night over thirty years in golden dresses. Under the layers of his colorful fabrics, the many skins of Fernando are revealed, letting Lisbon’s legends come to life. Alternately woman mermaid, female birds, woman lion, we are taken into the desires and dreams of metamorphosis and myths.
Here in Lisbon
Welcome to Lisbon: there are mermaids by the Tagus and birds flying over the old city; there are mad scientists and singing fish; lost tourist guides and lost tourists; fado and sad guitars. What a weird city you may think - but no. Lisbon is about being different, sarcastic, welcoming to foreigners even in an economic crisis. Different directors became fascinated by our strangeness. We became fascinated by these directors. The city is never the same in these four episodes, here in Lisbon.
El Mariscal del infierno
Unit Production Manager
Guilles de Lancré, viejo mariscal, heroico caudillo y valeroso guerrero, invicto en cien batallas, manipulado por su malvado lugarteniente Sillé y por su bella concubina Georgel, se dedica al ocultismo y malgasta su patrimonio buscando la utópica "Piedra filosofal" mediante la práctica de la alquimia. Se ha convertido ahora en un tirano manteniendo un reinado del terror.
Operación Rosa Rosa
Production Director
Sandro es un cantante de fama internacional que es requerido por los servicios secretos de su país para desbaratar los planes de la organizacion criminal "Medusa". El líder de esta banda, un empresario llamado Papa Andrés, pretende utilizar armas químicas contra el público, con una poderosa fórmula que provoca paros cardíacos inmediatos.
Destino de un capricho
Production Manager
Daniel (Sandro) es un joven estudiante de medicina. Vive en una pensión estudiantil llamada "La estrella" junto a un grupo de amigos estudiantes como él. Daniel va a intentar que su madre se reconcilie con su abuela. (FILMAFFINITY)
El derecho de gozar
Production Director
A beautiful woman is married to a film director. Despite the apparent happiness of the marriage, she has an affair with a young womanizer, and flirts with a screenwriter. During the filming of a film directed by her husband, two actresses are mysteriously murdered.
Un soltero en apuros
Executive Producer
"El Suave" is a comedian who is committed to marrying Eva, but the wedding has not yet taken place due to not having enough money for it until, one day, he appears to "El Suave" an eight-year-old boy nicknamed "Tucusito" involving him in a chain of entanglements when he tries to hide the existence of the child from Eva, because Tucsito is his son
La mano en la trampa
Terminados sus estudios en un internado, Laura (Elsa Daniel) regresa a la sombría casa donde vive con su madre y su tía. Sabe que en el desván vive escondido un ser del que la familia se avergüenza. Con la ayuda de su novio (Leonardo Favio) acaba descubriendo quién habita en ese desván y qué secreto le ocultan todos. (FILMAFFINITY)