Franco De Cotiis


The Echo
Production Design
Un expresidiario se traslada a un viejo apartamento, donde se llega a ver en medio de un problema doméstico entre un oficial de policía, su mujer y su hija. Cuando él intenta intervenir, se verá atrapado en una misteriosa maldición.
Los caballeros del sur del Bronx
Production Design
Richard Mason (Ted Danson) es un exitoso ejecutivo que, tras perder su empleo, decide dedicarse a su verdadera pasión: la enseñanza. Consigue trabajo en un precario colegio del barrio neoyorquino del Bronx y sus alumnos son chicos conflictivos e indisciplinados. Cuando descubre la fascinación que algunos alumnos sienten por el ajedrez, recurrirá a este juego para llamar su atención sobre otras asignaturas. La pasión de los chavales es tal que los hace participar en torneos con escuelas rivales. Al principio no saldrán bien parados, pero el tesón y el afán de superación los llevará al éxito y, además, les dará la oportunidad de presentarse a los campeonatos nacionales. La destreza adquirida con el juego fortalecerá su autoestima, aprenderán a competir y les ayudará a desenvolverse en la vida.
The Goodbye Girl
Production Design
Musical dancer on the way out (at 36) Paula McFadden had it swell with actor Tony DeSanti, but instead of taking her to Hollywood he gets a European movie part. He even sublets their (his) New York apartment to Elliot Garfield, who generously lets her stay, even keeping the master bedroom. Pragmatic pre-teen daughter Lucy soon takes to his charm, but Paula remains determined to hate all actors. Despite the stress of a Broadway Shakespeare lead he must play too queer for Frisco, he's determined to snatch romance from ingratitude.
La serie de mi vida
Production Design
La historia de una audaz jovencita llamada Trudy cuyo sueño es tener su propio programa de televisión. La oportunidad surge cuando se propone participar en un concurso convocado por una cadena de televisión en el que el premio es convertirse en presentador. Tru produce entonces un documental sobre su hermano gemelo Eddie que tiene una discapacidad mental. Este trabajo documental hará que Tru se exprese por si misma todo lo que siente y le permitirá descubrir grandes cosas de su hermano. Además volverá a recuperar la comunicación con sus padres.
Production Design
The life of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, African-American tap-dancing star of stage and screen. In 1916, Robinson was a successful vaudeville performer and considered the finest tap dancer of his generation. At the peak of his career, he was the highest paid Black entertainer, but for all the joy he gave others, his life was anything but happy, there was a great deal of tragedy in himself. He died broke and penniless.
El terror de las chicas
Production Design
Leon Phelps es un popular locutor de radio, un dulce e irresistible experto en temas del corazón que se esfuerza en solucionar los problemas amorosos de los demás. Cuando Leon y su encantadora productora son despedidos de la emisora, debido a ciertos comentarios subidos de tono de León, piensan que las cosas no pueden ir peor. Sin embargo, después de recibir una carta en la que les prometen dinero y felicidad, la situación cambia de rumbo.
Mean Streak
Production Design
The hitting record of Joe Di Maggio is about to broken by a black player. However a person who feels that it is sacred threatens the player if he breaks the record. Lou Mattoni, a detective who is a little racist, is assigned to the case.
Naked City: A Killer Christmas
Production Design
An ambitious reporter gets in the way of two cops assigned to investigate a serial killer who becomes active around Christmas time..
Naked City: Justice with a Bullet
Production Design
A pair of taxi-driving NYC detectives take up the case of tourists who are robbed of their money and luggage by a shady limo driver. Things get dicey when the tourists accidentally get mixed up in a drug dealer's murder and money heist, while the detectives go after a hit man posing as a friend from the `hood'.
Rescuers: Stories of Courage - Two Women
Production Design
First in a series of anthology films dealing with Christians who put their lives on the line to help rescue Jews from the Holocaust. In the first of two short films, "Mamusha," as the Nazis invade her country, a Polish Catholic housekeeper takes under her wing the youngster in the Jewish family for whom she is employed, and shepherds him through WWII in hopes of ultimately getting him repatriated to Palestine. In "Woman on a Bicycle," an unmarried French woman is pressed into service by the church to distribute underground communication pamphlets for the Resistance and ultimately ends up helping the church shelter 19 Jews.