Un profesor de historia griega y su hija viajan a una isla griega para tener una última oportunidad de terminar su tesis sobre antiguos hechizos de amor antes de que pierda su beca de investigación. Su hija intenta hacer coincidir a su padre con las mujeres locales sin éxito hasta que conoce a una hermosa sirena con cuya ayuda el profesor podría finalmente encontrar el verdadero amor por sí mismo.
R.U. /// Bajo los constantes abusos físicos y sexuales de su padre, Dean Page acaba expulsado de casa, aunque consigue un trabajo a manos de Lady Gryffon, a través de quien queda fascinado por el mundo de la alta sociedad. Cuando un malentendido le hace perder su trabajo, Dean se traslada a Paris donde se hace pasar por el hijo de Lady Gryffon, Alex, integrándose sin ningún problema entre la alta aristocracia.
Coral Atkins, a British soap star of the 1970s, becomes deeply affected by the plight of children from troubled homes. Against considerable odds, Coral harnesses her celebrity to launch a crusade to establish her own home to care for the children. Based on the memoirs of Coral Atkins.
George and Linda Harper's 17 year marriage has gone stale, but George doesn't seem to be aware of it. When confronted with the problem, he gets a vasectomy, which solves nothing, so he moves out. Linda rearranges her life by enrolling in self improvement courses. Trying for an amicable divorce, they agree to use one lawyer and hire their closest friend. When this backfires, George attempts reconciliation by trying to seduce Linda on their living room couch. George botches the seduction due to the pressure of trying to perform well and due to the unexpected return of their son from a date. But it does result in their realizing they still care about each other...and that marriages need working at, need to be renewed and renegotiated from time to time and that their's is certainly worth a second chance. Based on the hit West End play.
It is 1947, the year of the communist rebellion in Malaya and the British army's SADUSEA (Song And Dance Unit South East Asia) are called to the Malayan Jungle to entertain the troops. The eccentric, bible-bashing Major Giles Flack (John Cleese) is in command of the unit. Flack is accompanied by an ageing, theatrical drama queen, Terri Dennis (Denis Quilley) who hopes to entertain the troops with his flamboyant impressions, but the bored troops find other ways to enjoy themselves.