Visual Effects Supervisor
Many years ago, Grandpa was a World War II flying ace, but sadly he is now suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When his family can no longer look after him, he is moved to Twilight Towers, an old people's home. It soon becomes clear that Miss Dandy is running Twilight Towers for her own ulterior motives, and it is up to Grandpa and grandson Jack to make a daring escape. Failure could have the direst of consequences, but success will give Grandpa a final chance to relive his past and take to the sky once again in his beloved Spitfire.
CG Supervisor
Narra la historia de Moisés (Christian Bale), un hombre cuyo coraje desafió a un imperio cuando se rebela contra el todopoderoso faraón Ramsés (Joel Edgerton), liberando a 600.000 esclavos en una épica huida a través de Egipto, llena de peligros y mortíferas plagas, en busca de la Tierra Prometida.