Teresa Violetta Buhl


Be Prepared
Conflicts between the scouts and boys in a reformatory at the common scout camp, are sometimes very strong. One of the scouts dies. Jacek does not trust the police, who recognizes that it was an unfortunate accident. Sam believes in a world of a crystalline division into evil and good. He begins a private investigation. He brings a strict regime to the camp.
The Model
Emma, una emergente modelo de moda, lucha por entrar en el mundo de la moda parisina,desarrolla una obsesión peligrosa con el fotógrafo de moda masculina Shane White.
The Fifth Season of the Year
To fulfil a last wish, an elegant widow accepts a ride from a modest retiree that will take them through mourning, music and new memories.
Case Unknown
An arrogant medical man discovers there's more to his new patient than he imagined in this drama from Polish filmmaker Feliks Falk. Dr. Konstanty Grot (Borys Szyc) is an ambitious young doctor who is determined to make a name for himself, to the point that his wife often accuses him of being more interested in his career than in her. Grot believes that he can earn the respect of his peers by successfully treating a supposedly incurable patient, and he believes he may have found a likely candidate in Pawel Plocki (Grzegorz Wolf), a mental patient who can barely function. Grot signs Plocki out of the mental hospital where he's been treated for years and moves him into his own home; in time, Plocki shows genuine improvement, and Grot thinks he?s beaten the state medical establishment at their own game. But that?s before Grot learns some secrets about his patient that cast his condition in a new and disturbing light.
Tres colores: Blanco
Assistant Director
Karol ama profundamente a Dominique, pero el problema de impotencia sexual que sufre provoca el divorcio. Una serie de penurias se sucederán en la vida de Karol, que se verá obligado a volver a su Polonia natal y a intentar ganarse la vida como pueda.
Tres colores: Blanco
Karol ama profundamente a Dominique, pero el problema de impotencia sexual que sufre provoca el divorcio. Una serie de penurias se sucederán en la vida de Karol, que se verá obligado a volver a su Polonia natal y a intentar ganarse la vida como pueda.
Sangre inocente
Frank, un policía de Chicago va a Polonia para conseguir atrapar a los encapuchados que mataron a su hermano. Cuando se entera de que pertenecen a la firma local de la mafia rusa, se enfrente al jefe de esta, así como el Dr. Lem que maneja el comercio ilegal de órganos para la mafia.
El azar, Cita a ciegas
Assistant Director
Enfrentándose a un futuro incierto, Witek, un joven polaco estudiante de medicina, decide interrumpir temporalmente sus estudios y coger un tren e ir a Varsovia.