Ben Becker
Nacimiento : 1964-12-19, Bremen, Germany
Fred Miekley
Rex Gildo’s songs and musicals made him very popular. His best-known song was “Fiesta Mexicana” from 1972. Rosa von Praunheim tells the story of his life in the context of the gay pride movement, the normative pressures of the Schlager music industry, and the profound changes currently underway.
Being one of the most significant, contemporary painters, Albert Oehlen’s approach is complete refusal of the common art circus. In its own way the Film reflects this very stance. Likewise, it questions the purpose of obsolete thinking patterns created by white straight male artists of a certain age that have dominated the art world for centuries.
Kurt Barnert es un joven estudiante de arte en la Alemania del Este. Está enamorado de su compañera de clase, Ellie. El padre de ella, el Professor Seeband, un famoso médico, no aprueba la relación de su hija y está decidido a destruirla. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que sus vidas están conectadas por un terrible crimen cometido hace décadas.
Terry Werenbusch
Wolf Marx
They once played together in a band called Chix and were inseparable. Today, each of them has their own problems.
Before there were home video formats and the internet, the “Bahnhofskinos” (“Train station cinemas”) in West Germany regularly showed trash and erotica movies. Various filmmakers and especially contemporary witnesses recount in the documentary “Cinema Perverso – the wonderful and broken world of Bahnhofskino” their experiences and impressions.
Ruby's Father
Germany, 1967. Ruby & Martin, a young couple, are rehearsing their uprising. The price is high: expulsion from school, parental violence, and ultimately institutionalization. But they are ready to take on the cause of love.
himself - narrateur (german)
Gorgo, l'aigle (Voix)
Undine rescues a prince from drowning, and leaves him unconscious on shore, where he can be found, but she has already fallen in love with him. Unable to enjoy life below the waves, the mermaid makes a deal with the Sea Witch to become human. The mermaid must also give her voice as payment. And her humanity is only conditional: if she can make the prince fall in love with her and marry her, she can gain a share in his soul and be truly human, but if he marries another, she will die at the next sunrise. It turns out that the witch only made her believe she would die if the prince married another as a Secret Test of Character: by refusing to kill the prince even to save her own life, she proves that she already has a soul. So she remains human, gets her voice back, and sets out to explore the world.
Hieronymus Carl Friedrich Freiherr v. Münchhausen
Andy Borchert
Simon Sachs, un niño de 10 años enfermo terminal, está firmemente convencido de que en una vida anterior fue un asesino en serie. Y puede ser cierto, porque él lleva a su abogado, Robert Stern, a los lugares donde se encuentran los cadáveres. Las personas fueron brutalmente asesinadas de la misma manera que relata el niño, y todo ello, mucho antes de que él naciera. (FILMAFFINITY)
La vida de August Habermann, un alemán propietario de un molino en la zona montañosa de los Sudetes, y su familia cambia drásticamente en 1938, cuando Europa entra en guerra. Cuando los militares alemanes llegan a la zona, los habitantes de origen checo se convierten en ciudadanos de segunda.
'Der Tiger' Michael Maier
CHAOSTAGE is the first real german Punk movie. part fictional, part documentary it tells the story of some young punks...
In this sun soaked adventure for the entire family, a group of five orphaned children form their own makeshift family while attempting to operate outside the rules of society. Though they must sometimes steal to survive, their loyalty to one another means that they will always have a brother or sister to count on.
Emanuel Goldfarb
What does being a Jew mean nowadays? Emanuel Goldfarb, a Jewish journalist, is asked by the Director of a Jewish community in Germany, to respond to an invitation by a professor to tell his pupils about his life as a Jew living in Germany. This conversation, performed by Goldfarb and the Director of the community, is the only scene of Oliver Hirschbiegel's film « Ein ganz gewohnlicher Jude » presented at the Film and Television Festival of Genève, which was shot outdoors and it's the only moment where something apparently happens.
Max and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.
Friedrich Freiherr von der Trenck
Prussian general's son Friedrich, Freiherr (German baron) von der Trenck, is an unruly student whose countless affairs make him enemies, but he wins every duel. Frederic II the Great recruits him for his personal bodyguard. During his cadet training under the cruel stickler Graf (count) von Jaschinsky Friedrich falls in love with the king's headstrong oldest sister Amalia. She, however, refuses to be married off the the Swedish king's heir. When Prussia makes war on Austria over Silesia, Trenck's loyalty is dubious on account of an Austrian family branch. Janischky eagerly convinces the king there is more.
Franz Sass
Gregor Reuther
Zwei, die füreinander bestimmt sind, finden sich trotzdem.
Adolf Brand
Mucho antes que las revueltas de Stonewall y el informe Kinsey, vivió el doctor Magnus Hirschfeld. Siendo un joven judio gay en el Berlín del siglo XIX, Hirschfeld no sólo luchó a favor de los derechos de los gays, sino que fue su descubridor.
Rosa von Praunheim, co-fundadora del movimiento de lucha por los derechos civiles para los gays en Alemania y directora de cine, cuenta la historia de Hirschfeld en un exuberante drama histórico. Enlazando una historia fascinante de descubrimiento y romance con una mordaz afición por la política, Von Praunheim presenta este convincente relato del doctor que fundó el primer grupo político gay en 1897 y la primera institución médica para gays, el reconocido Instituto de Ciencia Sexual, que prosperó hasta la llegada del regimen nazi. En Einstein of Sex (apodo que dio a Hirschfeld la prensa americana) un legendario pionero del sexo se encuentra con un inconformista director para crear juntos una celebración de la historia gay.
Ernst Linke
Marlene is a 2000 German biopic film directed by Joseph Vilsmaier and starring Katja Flint, Hans Werner Meyer and Herbert Knaup. It follows the life of the German actress Marlene Dietrich and her success in Hollywood.
Hans Wieck
Gloomy Sunday tiene lugar durante la II Guerra Mundial. Cuenta la historia de tres hombres que están enamorados de una bella camarera: el propietario de un restaurante intelectual, un músico misterioso y un hombre de negocios errático.
Dr. H. Kupert
This documentary tells the story of an unusual victim of the Nazi holocaust -- Kurt Gerron, a German film actor and cabaret star. During World War II, Gerron went from being a leading light of the German entertainment community (he made over 70 films and sang "Mack the Knife" in the first performance of The Three-Penny Opera) to a prisoner directing a propaganda film for the Nazis about a makeshift club at Theresienstadt, which was described as a "concentration camp for celebrities." Gerron was eventually executed at Auschwitz. Director Ilona Ziok combines archival footage of Gerron with interviews of peers and survivors who describe how Gerron tragically believed his gifts as an entertainer would save his life -- and how he enthusiastically kept performing right up to his death.
Père Ubu
Stefan Bregert
Robert Biberti
Narra la historia de un famoso sexteto alemán de música de cámara (cinco voces y un piano) desde 1927 hasta 1934, año en el que las autoridades nazis prohibieron sus actuaciones, porque tres de sus componentes eran judíos.
Lucies Freund
Ramona lives her lonely life in Berlin working in a lipstick factory. One day she accidentally runs into Andrzei, a Polish mechanic illegally selling cigarettes in Germany during the weekend. One thing leads to another, and soon she finds herself pregnant. Then her life starts falling apart, when Andrzei tells her he already has a wife back in Poland and her baby dies shortly after its premature birth.
Prinz Sidqa
Debido a las ofensas cometidas contra Dios, los israelitas viven como esclavos bajo el dominio de los filisteos. Pero el Señor escucha las plegarias de su pueblo y les envía a un niño llamado Sansón, que llegará tener la fuerza de cien hombres y les ayudará a vencer a sus enemigos. Pronto, la noticia de la descomunal fuerza de Sansón llega a oídos del Rey Hanun y de la bella cortesana Dalila, a la que Sansón salva del ataque de un león.
Harry Butzbach
Harry manages to get into Willi's cell - Marlies is quartered with the ageing prostitute Jutta. Quite a tension between the generations comes up when Harry realises that his father is not the big bank robber, but a small day thief who does not want to flee at all, but only breaks a blanket to celebrate Christmas with his beloved Jutta in her cell to celebrate...
En el principio del siglo 19 , Johannes Elias Alder nace en un pequeño pueblo en las montañas de Austria . Mientras crecía es considerado extraño por los otros aldeanos y descubre su amor a la música , sobre todo a tocar el órgano en la iglesia local . Después de experimentar una "maravilla acústica " , sus cambios en el color de los ojos y se pueden escuchar hasta los sonidos más sutiles . Elias se enamora platónica con Elsbeth , la hermana de Peter , el hijo de un vecino , quien amar sentimientos hacia Elias desde entonces. Después de Elsbeth se casa con otra , Elias ( 22 años) decide poner fin a su vida por no dormir nunca más..
Rainer Heese
Jan / Soljanka
In the little town of Herzsprung - whose name harks back to an ancient legend of broken hearts - almost nothing has changed since German unification, except a rise in unemployment. Johanna, a young mother and widow, becomes one of the unemployed and lives on welfare. To make matters worse, she falls in love with a dark-skinned, roving adventurer and the whole village starts talking about it.
Protected from the intrigues of con-men by the overwhelming blanket of the former regime in East Germany, at first it seems that Ada Fenske, the elderly widow living on a farm near a soon-to-be abandoned Russian island military base is fair game. The (West) German military intelligence services want to acquire her farm. At first, their agent attempts to buy the property openly, but her refusal to sell motivates him to try far shadier techniques. He comes up with a relative she never knew about who is entitled to a share in the property and tries to blackmail the township's mayor to get his cooperation. However, the hard-working and honest old lady has an ally in the person of her more sophisticated border, a woman who works in the mayor's office and has been to the West. She takes great delight in foiling the underhanded agent.
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
Reginald Lindsay
Follows the lives of students and their teachers based on the director's childhood memories. The events of the film take places in the actual boarding school called "Gymnasium Canisianum", founded in 1946 by a German catholic priest.
Harry Brummer
En mayo de 1983, un hombre de 49 años, acompañado de su hijo, viaja al pueblo de su infancia, en Baden. Su deseo es descubrir qué le sucedió en realidad a su madre. Sus recuerdos son muy borrosos y, además, por aquel entonces era demasiado pequeño para comprender lo que ocurría a su alrededor.