Rodrigo Lebrija


El Brujo de Apizaco
The stormy life of the Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez Gonzalez and his alter ego "THE PANA", of very humble origin, who worked as a baker, gravedigger, bundles loader, seller of gelatinas, before he became a bullfighter. A man to the conquest of his dreams and the glory that slips between his hands because of the bipolarity, the schizophrenia, the narcissism and his eternal addiction to the alcohol.
El Brujo de Apizaco
The stormy life of the Mexican bullfighter Rodolfo Rodríguez Gonzalez and his alter ego "THE PANA", of very humble origin, who worked as a baker, gravedigger, bundles loader, seller of gelatinas, before he became a bullfighter. A man to the conquest of his dreams and the glory that slips between his hands because of the bipolarity, the schizophrenia, the narcissism and his eternal addiction to the alcohol.
La película retrata el eterno conflicto entre el sector feliz y despreocupado de la alta sociedad mexicana y el sector oprimido del campesinado. El personaje central es Tomás, un niño inquieto y afortunado. Tomás es el punto de confluencia de un sistema conservador amenazado por la terrible injusticia del Tercer Mundo.
La película retrata el eterno conflicto entre el sector feliz y despreocupado de la alta sociedad mexicana y el sector oprimido del campesinado. El personaje central es Tomás, un niño inquieto y afortunado. Tomás es el punto de confluencia de un sistema conservador amenazado por la terrible injusticia del Tercer Mundo.