Franz Leopold Schmelzer


Maximiliano de México: sueños de poder
Este documental, filmado en locaciones de Austria, Italia y México, retrata el lado humano y emocional del archiduque de Habsburgo en diferentes etapas de su vida, especialmente durante su estancia en México –a donde llegó para ser emperador–, la vida al lado de su esposa Carlota y su trágica muerte en 1867. Para construir el guion, se consultó a historiadores austriacos y mexicanos, y a un descendiente de los Habsburgo.
Maximiliano de México: sueños de poder
Este documental, filmado en locaciones de Austria, Italia y México, retrata el lado humano y emocional del archiduque de Habsburgo en diferentes etapas de su vida, especialmente durante su estancia en México –a donde llegó para ser emperador–, la vida al lado de su esposa Carlota y su trágica muerte en 1867. Para construir el guion, se consultó a historiadores austriacos y mexicanos, y a un descendiente de los Habsburgo.
Africa's Wild West
Some 150 wild horses live in an expanse of desert, grassland and rock along Namibia’s west coast - a ‘Forbidden Zone’ rife with ghost towns.
Africa's Wild West
Some 150 wild horses live in an expanse of desert, grassland and rock along Namibia’s west coast - a ‘Forbidden Zone’ rife with ghost towns.
Attention border
Eine zerbrochene Zeit
A man and a woman who have not seen each other for 50 years are filled with hate when they meet at their grandchildren's wedding. Layer by layer, the old couple uncovers their baneful past...
Die Engerln am Strick
A black comedy from Styria on the subjects of hanging, heavenly music and strange burial costumes.
Die Engerln am Strick
A black comedy from Styria on the subjects of hanging, heavenly music and strange burial costumes.
Die vergessene Minderheit oder Die Geschichte einer Grenze
For centuries the Germans and Slovenes lived in peace with one another in southern Styria. Then, when the border was defined, the killing began. A picture of southern Styria far removed from the usual associations of wine-drinking, merry-making and seclusion and the literary fantasies about it...
Die vergessene Minderheit oder Die Geschichte einer Grenze
For centuries the Germans and Slovenes lived in peace with one another in southern Styria. Then, when the border was defined, the killing began. A picture of southern Styria far removed from the usual associations of wine-drinking, merry-making and seclusion and the literary fantasies about it...
Die vergessene Minderheit oder Die Geschichte einer Grenze
For centuries the Germans and Slovenes lived in peace with one another in southern Styria. Then, when the border was defined, the killing began. A picture of southern Styria far removed from the usual associations of wine-drinking, merry-making and seclusion and the literary fantasies about it...
A day in the life of factory worker Rudolf S. Trapped in a routine existence, he takes refuge in dreams, visions, hallucinations... and the South Seas.
A day in the life of factory worker Rudolf S. Trapped in a routine existence, he takes refuge in dreams, visions, hallucinations... and the South Seas.