What would you do if you won the lottery? The neighbors from a small village from Berguedà used their money to save their theater. The 150 inhabitants of l'Ametlla de Merola face a problem: the closing of their theater, that has aged and has no seats. The theatre is the centre of social life, but the association that manages it doesn't have the money to fix it. When all seems lost, they all win the lottery and new problems arise.
What would you do if you won the lottery? The neighbors from a small village from Berguedà used their money to save their theater. The 150 inhabitants of l'Ametlla de Merola face a problem: the closing of their theater, that has aged and has no seats. The theatre is the centre of social life, but the association that manages it doesn't have the money to fix it. When all seems lost, they all win the lottery and new problems arise.
What would you do if you won the lottery? The neighbors from a small village from Berguedà used their money to save their theater. The 150 inhabitants of l'Ametlla de Merola face a problem: the closing of their theater, that has aged and has no seats. The theatre is the centre of social life, but the association that manages it doesn't have the money to fix it. When all seems lost, they all win the lottery and new problems arise.
Hannah y su hijo León huyen de una guerra que ha aislado a su país. Tratando de cruzar la frontera, ingresan en " Tierra de nadie", un campo de refugiados que les proporciona una cama y comida, pero los someten a un sistema muy opresivo que los obliga a competir para poder permanecer en el campo. Claus, un viejo conocido, dice saber un secreto sobre Hannah y Leon que, si se revelara, pondría en peligro sus vidas.
Benito Eufemia se entrena cada día, mañana y tarde, en el minúsculo gimnasio Ter, en el barrio del Clot de Barcelona. Tiene 38 años y un combate a la vista. El día a día de Benito es frenético. Trabajo nocturno como "coordinador" en discotecas, cuidador de su madre, profesor de clases de artes marciales en otro gimnasio, promotor y empresario de su propia velada. Acaba de ser padre, se presenta al juzgado cada 15 días y demuestra que no está echando a perder su libertad condicional. Mientras la fecha clave se acerca, vivimos con Benito su presente y revivimos su increíble pasado.