Tsetsegee (Dambii's wife)
The town's best horse race trainer Bold, has many people gathered at his house for a special announcement. Bold begins to brag about his horses and skills and how no one in town is better than him. Bold begins to talk about his most prized horse, the brown steed that still has yet to find its rider. After hearing this the townspeople recommend Dambii's eldest son Dorj to be the rider. Upon hearing this Boldoo decides to ask Dambii's son Dorj to be the rider for his horse. Dambii lives with his wife, Dolgor and three sons, Dorj (12 yrs old), Byambaa (8 yrs old) Nanzaa (4 yrs old) in the vast countryside in Mongolia. All of Dambii's sons have a knack for the horse. When Bold recruites Dambii's eldest son his middle son Byambaa gets angry that he wasn't chosen to ride. When Byambaa gets angry that he wasn't chosen he storms off.
1969. Chen Zhen es un joven estudiante de Pekín al que envían a Mongolia Interior para educar a una tribu de pastores nómadas. Pero el que realmente aprende es Chen: sobre la vida en esa tierra infinita y hostil, la libertad y la responsabilidad, y la criatura más temida y reverenciada de esos lugares, el lobo. Sin embargo, la relación de atracción existente entre esas criaturas complejas y casi místicas con el ser humano se ve amenazada cuando un oficial del gobierno central decide por todos los medios eliminar los lobos de esta región.