Marianne Groves

Marianne Groves

Nacimiento : 1964-07-31, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada


Marianne Groves


En Equilibrio
After a serious accident on a film shoot, Marc, an equestrian, loses all hope to mount back on. His insurance company instructs Florence to handle his case. This film is the story of their meeting.
Es la vida, camarada!
Vasquez assistant
Vázquez, es el propietario de una pequeña editorial que pretende honrar la memoria de su padre, un héroe de Guerra Civil española.
A wedding is an opportunity for three couples of different generations to question commitment and the strength of love.
Salir del armario
Un trabajador de una empresa de preservativos se entera de que va a ser despedido. Aconsejado por un amigo, se hace pasar por homosexual para demandar a la empresa alegando discriminación sexual. Sin embargo, la representación de su nuevo papel sólo le traerá quebraderos de cabeza y dará lugar a más de un malentendido.
Las confesiones del doctor Sachs
La voisine d'en face
Bruno Sachs es un médico de pueblo que atiende en su consulta todo tipo de enfermedades, incluso psicológicas. En el pueblo sólo hay otro médico, que es mayor que él, y al que manda algunos pacientes. Además, Sachs es cirujano y, con motivo de una operación, conocerá a una mujer capaz de sacarlo de la mediocridad espiritual.
La camarera del Titanic
Francia, 1912. Horty, un joven obrero gana el concurso anual de fuerza que organiza su empresa: el premio es un billete de ida y vuelta para ir a Southampton a ver la partida del Titánic. Durante la noche, una hermosa muchacha llama a su habitación del Gran Hotel de Southampton y le pide alojamiento. Es una camarera del Titanic: debe embarcar al día siguiente y todos los hoteles de la ciudad estan completos. A la mañana siguiente, ella desaparece. Horty la ve en el Titanic, intenta acercarse, pero el barco zarpa.
Tortilla y Cinema
Benjamin Ballon wants to be a filmmaker, and has devoted a large part of his life for the past few years to getting to the point of filming an independent movie. He has been encouraged by Carmen Maura (playing herself), an established star, who has agreed to appear in his first film, and it is her level-headedness, calmness, and general good sense that keeps the project moving along, despite Benjamin's inexperience and a very temperamental male lead. On one occasion when the male lead is hours late for a shoot, her calm is the only thing which keeps the crew from walking out. The title comes from Maura's habit of bringing homemade tortillas to meetings, and using them to get her way.
La vie parisienne
On a Saturday evening in Paris, Juliette, Héloïse and Marianne each get their first separate experience of "Parisian life".
Night Taxi
La prostituée
It is only a few years into the future, but the face of France has changed drastically, due to its takeover by a moralistic, hypocritical and totalitarian regime. Women with children who want to divorce their husbands are not allowed to do so, all political parties have been outlawed, smoking is illegal and everyone must work. After a spat with her boyfriend, Carole (Laure Marsac) hails a taxi, not realizing that she has done so without any of the money or identification papers she needs. Her driver (Bruno Cremer) attempts to help her, but a variety of mishaps bring her to the attention of the police, who proceed to arrest her on made-up charges and a phoney HIV-positive result on tests given at the time of arrest.
Normal People Are Nothing Exceptional
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...
A Lesson of Hope
The teacher Odile Langlois starts her new job in the elementary school of a small French town. She is elegant and mysterious - but most of all, she is very friendly to her new students, whose confidence she gains so quickly. On the contrary, however, Odile's unconventional, alternative way of teaching does not appeal to some colleagues and parents who do everything to get rid of the young teacher ...
Mado, poste restante
In this gentle comedy, Mado (Marianne Groves) is the letter-carrier for her small town, and she is constantly on the lookout for a good Catholic man who shares her enthusiasm for sunrises. She even puts up posters on trees and walls advertising her interest. The townspeople make fun of her, but she isn't discouraged. Her best friend is Germaine (Isabelle Gelinas), a pretty girl whose moral standards are not as strict as Mado's. When a film director (Oleg Yankovsky) arrives in town, everyone is agog, but Mado is particularly keen to find out about him. However, it seems that he has his eye on Germaine, and he isn't really in her league anyhow.
Les deux Fragonard
A washerwoman
The name of painter Jean-Honore Fragonard (1732-1806) is synonymous for a kind of painting style which celebrates carefree romantic life, indoors and out. He was a painter during the final decades of the French monarchy. In this story, he and his brother Cyprien (Robin Renucci), who is an early pioneer in medical anatomy (he dissected corpses and made drawings of what he found in them), have fallen in love with the same woman, Marianne (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu), a laundress. This attraction has not escaped the notice of Salmon d'Anglas (Sami Frey), a conniving nobleman, who has his heart set on getting revenge on Jean-Honore (Joachim de Almeida) for refusing his patronage and becoming the darling of the French court.