In this surreal thriller, mysterious blond Marie March takes a journey to the town of Darckeville to scam a priceless set of antiques from an eccentric collector, but also to get away from the clutches of her overbearing older husband. On the freight train to Darckeville, fevered sensual dreams and dark childhood memories crowd her troubled mind - portentous omens of an unresolved past hurrying to catch up with her. Set against a backdrop of fading dreams, broken aspirations, and the crumbling ruins of a decaying town coloured with strange characters, their separate paths collide with explosive results.
Tracey Seavers
La doctora Miranda Grey, una dedicada y exitosa psicóloga criminal, se despierta un día para encontrase que es una paciente en la propia institución mental donde trabaja, sin ningún recuerdo del asesinato que aparentemente ella ha cometido. Pronto descubre que su marido fue brutalmente asesinado 3 días atrás, y las pruebas de sangre... la incriminan a ella.