Teresa Banham


Winnie de Pooh: Miel y Sangre II
Winnie y sus amigos buscaran a Christopher para matarlo
¡Que suene la música!
Shopping Channel Host 1
Cuando un grupo de esposas de militares deciden crear un coro en una base militar, un poderoso vínculo comienza a surgir entre ellas. La música y la risa transformará en cierta forma sus vidas, ayudándoles a intentar superar el miedo que experimentan cada vez que sus seres queridos se aventuran en peligrosas misiones en Afganistán
Touch and Go
Laura Aldridge
Nick and Alison, a young couple although married for several years, find their sex-life is uninspiring. After much agonising, they decide to visit a wife-swapping club in a risky attempt to reinvigorate their marriage. However, after initial positive effects on their relationship, the activity begins to threaten the basis of their marriage.
Reasonable Force
Mrs. Collett
In times of civil unrest, crack police units like Inspector Maclntyre 's get the job of keeping order on the streets. But when a demonstrator dies after a riot, who will the public - and the Police Force itself - hold accountable?
Cariani and the Courtesans
When Cariani the painter falls in love with the beautiful girl who receives mysterious visitors in the rooms below, he is drawn into a web of danger and deceit.