Jiřina Barášová


Hans: A Boy in Germany
Ms. Schwab
A young man lives through the end of World War II
Chůze po kamení
Ztracený prsten
Mrtvá královna aneb Jak se zabíjejí ženy
Anglická sobota
Dnes ještě zapadá slunce nad Atlantidou
Kamenný host
Třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek
Každý něco pro vlast
Green Gold
Working on the hops fields gathering hops for beer, Filip catches a glimpse of fellow worker/comrade Hanka and falls for her. Trying to keep their love secret from the field owners,fellow worker Honza becomes jealous of Filip having a romance with Hanka, which leads to Honza deciding that he will feed the hop field owners Hanka and Filip's secret romantic hops.
Okurkový hrdina
Spadla s měsíce
Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová