Makeup Artist
Two brothers, one wanted for murder, are shipwrecked on an island inhabited by nubile young women who have amassed a valuable cache of pearls.
Makeup Artist
A poor-little-rich-girl feels alienated by her mother and enacts a string of revenges on her fellow pupils at a girls' boarding school. However, she is outcast when one of her stunts nearly drives a girl to suicide.
Makeup Artist
The Black Widows, a teenage girl gang, find one of their number killed; they suspect Barbara, sometime girlfriend of the leader of rival gang The Vandals. As the gangs prepare for a rumble, we glimpse the members' home lives, exaggerating every type of family dysfunction; but that of their "average American" quarry is no better. Full of shadowy urban night scenes.
Makeup Artist
An ocean-side nightclub owner loves a singer who only has eyes for a gambler.
Makeup Artist
Cloud Nine, the local teen hangout, has been taken over by a pair of escaped killers, who hold the local teens hostage. The bartender realizes it's up to him to save the kids.
Makeup Artist
Dos psicólogos contratan a una prostituta y, mediante hipnosis, la transportan a la Edad Media para investigar su vida cuando era bruja; pero, cuando se enteran de que va a ser ejecutada, deciden viajar también a la época medieval para intentar salvarla. Sin embargo, si la joven eludiera su destino, alteraría inexorablemente el curso de la historia, es decir, sus futuras reencarnaciones ya no serían posibles.
Makeup Artist
Un extraterrestre que procede de un planeta en crisis llega a la Tierra, pero necesita beber sangre de sus habitantes para sobrevivir. El alienígena en cuestión protege sus ojos con gafas negras, que solo se quita para asesinar a sus víctimas. Además, tiene la suerte de que una enfermera le proporcione frecuentes transfusiones; sin embargo, acaba llegando a la conclusión de que este planeta no es un lugar apacible para vivir...
Makeup Artist
Un grupo de científicos viaja a una isla remota para estudiar los efectos de las pruebas de armas nucleares, solo para quedar varado cuando su avión explota misteriosamente. El equipo pronto descubre que las pruebas han dado lugar a cangrejos mutados en gigantes inteligentes, impermeables y telepáticos que intentan aumentar su número mediante la cría y luego viajar a áreas pobladas para alimentarse, y que no pretenden ser detenidos por sus descubridores.
Makeup Artist
Gangster Zac Cotton and his two henchmen, Mitch and Sonny, try to get a boat to get off a tropical island after a botched robbery heist.
Makeup Artist
A girl visiting her sister in Hollywood hopes for a modeling career, but is tricked by pimps into working at a brothel.
Makeup Artist
A government agent ventures west to look into reports that Apaches are behind a recent wave of frontier attacks. Begins to suspect a set-up.
Makeup Artist
La biografía del alcaide de San Quintín, Clinton T. Duffy, y su relación con un preso irreductible al que logró cambiar.
Makeup Artist
A once-famous concert pianist has had her career ruined by her alcoholism. Her husband and a member of Alcoholics Anonymous try to help her recover.