Larry Lund


One Potato, Two Potato
Script Supervisor
Study of interracial marriage in the 1960s. A white divorcée falls in love with and marries an African-American man. When her ex-husband sues for custody of her child, arguing that a mixed household is an improper place to raise the girl, the new husband fights for his parental rights in court, fighting against a judge who represents the prejudices of the era.
La horca fatal
Court Clerk (uncredited)
Un brillante científico inventa un corazón artificial. Tras intentar realizar un arriesgado experimento con un hombre, es acusado por la novia de éste y es condenado a la horca. Después de su ejecución y gracias a su ayudante, regresará a la vida para vengarse de aquellos que lo enviaron a la muerte.