'The Record: World's Largest Family' is a black comedy written by and starring Veronica Milsom and Steen Raskopoulos. It observes the relationship between Pim & Frank Belami, who strive to maintain their world record title by attempting to fall pregnant with their 70th child.
'The Record: World's Largest Family' is a black comedy written by and starring Veronica Milsom and Steen Raskopoulos. It observes the relationship between Pim & Frank Belami, who strive to maintain their world record title by attempting to fall pregnant with their 70th child.
Hosted by Adam Hills, the 2015 Opening Night Comedy Allstars Supershow will also feature; Alex Edelman, Andrew Saunders, Cal Wilson, Chris Taylor & Andrew Hansen, Claire Hooper, Dane Baptiste, Greg Behrendt, Jen Kirkman, Jimeoin, Katherine Ryan, Luke McGregor, Mark Watson, Milton Jones, Nick Cody, Nina Conti, Sam Simmons, Sarah Kendall, Sara Pascoe, Steen Raskopoulos, Stephen K Amos, Tom Gleeson, Tripod, Wil Anderson and Wyatt Cenac.