The story of Walter Tull, a pioneering black British footballer and the first black officer in the British army, who died heroically in WWI and is virtually unheard of today.
The Manchester Passion is a passion play about the last hours of Jesus, retold using a backdrop of the contemporary music of Manchester, England. The event took place on the streets of Manchester, and aired live on BBC Three on Good Friday, 14 April 2006. The event was created by the same people who created Flashmob: The Opera; also aired on BBC Three.
Tony, the Great Fandango
The host of a British Shock-TV Show blurs the line between show business and life.
Cuatro policías se infiltran en una banda de hooligans para llegar hasta sus líderes y evitar así los numerosos actos vandálicos que llevan a cabo. Sin embargo, uno de ellos se identifica tanto con los hinchas violentos que poco a poco se convierte en uno de ellos.