Li Ka-Wing


Hermano Mayor (Big Brother)
Un maestro que se convierte en soldado en la escuela secundaria usa métodos inusuales para llegar a una clase de estudiantes pobres al tratar con un empresario codicioso y su pandilla de luchadores, así como con el gobierno.
The Vanished Murderer
Una cárcel de mujeres en el norte de China en 1932, prisionera FU Yuan (Jiang Yiyan) excava un túnel en su celda de la prisión con una cuchara de plata y se escapa. Inspector Song Donglu (LAU Ching-wan) es convocado para investigar la fuga de FU. Siguiendo la pista a las cartas enviadas a él por FU, Song se pone en marcha a la ciudad de Hong para desentrañar la desaparición de FU.
El Guardián de la Oscuridad
Inteligente exorcista Fatt tiene un método único de tratar con espíritus vengativos: Negocia con ellos y les convence para dejar de lado sus rencores. Después de grabaciones de sus exorcismos en virales, Fatt atrae las atenciones de un espíritu asesino que ha dirigido los medios, así como un reportero molesto que toma gran interés en Fatt y su estrecha relación con un espíritu femenino.
Are You Here
Min (Jacqueline Ch'ng), Lung (Sammy Sum), Keong and Fen are business partners of an online game design company, which is on the verge of winding up due to the lack of clients. Just as things start to get worse, a mysterious lady, Mrs. Wong (Paw Hee Ching) offers them a sizable sum of money if they could complete the final stages of her deceased son's online game - Ouija Board and launch it thereafter. They readily accept the business. Soon mysterious things happen and they experience ghost sightings.
Sifu vs. Vampire
It is said that a corpse should be exhumed and moved every 30 years to ensure continued fortune and prosperity for its descendants. As the time limit is nearing for his grandfather's corpse, TV station boss Kelvin Chow (Kelvin Kwan, Tales from the Dark 2) looks to Charlie Jiang (Yuen Biao), whose ancestors performed the ritual for the Chow family, to complete the task. When Jiang refuses, citing his belief that the ritual is unethical, Chow enlists Nicky and Boo to coerce him into it. However, a series of accidents causes the corpse to be delivered to and left at Chow's TV station, unleashing a bloodbath.
Delete My Love
So Boring, a nobody who has no love from everyone except from childhood sweetheart Bobo, receives a weird text message one day, saying: Ever thought of deleting those you dislike?
The Best Plan Is No Plan
Television scriptwriter Hung is the boyfriend of TV host Rose , a domineering woman who talks on the phone with somebody else while having sex with him. Sean has a physique that gets him likened to Kung Fu Panda and the Hamburglar, and is generally a loser in the game of love. Then there's Shing, a lothario who attracts more than his fair share of women, but whose heart is set on an unattainable woman with a past in the form of nightclub hostess Miss Poon. The three men meet at the funeral of Wong Chun-chun, a woman all of them have been involved with at different points in her life. Various assorted incidents lead to their becoming friends who can be called upon to help sort out each other's increasingly complex relationship woes.
Tales From The Dark 1
In the first of a two-part film project, three short stories from acclaimed Hong Kong horror writer Lilian Lee are adapted for the big screen in this horror anthology.
Hong Kong Ghost Stories
Wong Jing's Classroom follows Ling, the new substitute teacher at a suburban high school. She feels something wrong about her class. The students in her Class 4E are an unruly bunch, except for Don Don, who always sits quietly in the corner. Suspecting that her students Gi Gi, Co Co, and Fong engage in prostitution, Ling reports the problems with her class to the dean, only to be told that there has never been a Class 4E in the school... In Patrick Kong's Travel, a group of friends go on vacation in Mainland, during which Bo gets killed in a road accident. At Bo's funeral, her travel mates meet Bo's estranged lover Ka Ming , with whom Bo had a heated quarrel on the phone just prior to her tragic death. At the hot-pot dinner after the funeral, a pale-faced Ka Ming reveals to the survivors the secret of his relationship with Bo before going on a killing spree...
Treasure Inn
Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. A robbery happened at he city's richest man Ho Pak Man's home where his whole family was killed and their family treasure the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" was stolen and the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching investigates the case. Kung and Lo Pa cannot participate because of their low status. Coincidentally, Master Kung and Lo Pa arrest a pair of twin sisters, Water Dragon Girl and Fire Dragon Girl, who always pretend to catch wanted criminals to get monetary rewards. The twin sisters know that the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy" would be brought to the "Treasure Inn" for an auction. Wanting to hit big, Master Kung and Lo Pa go to the "Treasure Inn" with the twin sisters to investigate the truth. During that time, Master Kung and Water Dragon Girl become lovers from a kiss.
Future X-Cops
Un policía viaja atrás en el tiempo para enfrentarse a una corporación que busca eliminar a un médico que ha creado una nueva tecnología que puede romper el monopolio de los recursos energéticos.
Black Ransom
Un conocido jefe de la Triada ha sido secuestrado, y el nuevo superintendente de la policía Koo decide reclutar la ayuda de Mann,un policía que ha de cuidar de su hija tras la muerte accidental de su mujer, y que desde entonces ha sido relegado,tanto él como su grupo, a labores secundarias.Mann se da cuenta que su oponente es Sam, un ex policía lleno de rencor desde el asesinato de su hermano. Cuando Sam lleva su lucha hasta la familia de Mann, éste está más que decidido a derrocar al peligroso secuestrador y a toda su banda
Troublesome Night 17
Gay has been arrested for possessing drugs and is sent to prison. When Mrs. Lung visits him, she realizes that a demon is following him around, and sends Yan into the prison to help Gay. With the help of the warden, they discover the demon is a vengeful ghost of a woman whose husband was wrongfully imprisoned there, and committed suicide. All she wants to see is his grave, which should be behind the prison. But when they can't find his burial site, she unleashes her pure wrath, and no one is immune from her rage.
Money Suckers
So's family lives in financial despair. They always argue about money. One day So Kam Po accidentally picked up a briefcase which has $10 million inside. According to the law, Kam Po owns that 10 million if no one claims it in 6 months. Kam Po wants to pull his family together, so he buys a cafe from his brother Hoi. For the next six months, the family's relationships improve as they all chip in to run the cafe together. Time flies when you're having fun--and when there's a $10 million pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. Will So's pot of gold be there waiting for him once his waiting period is over?