Bhagwan Tiwari


Senior Officer
En la ciudad ficticia de Kaza, una tribu guerra es aprisionada, esclavizada y torturada por un autoritario Shudh Singh. Shamshera es el héroe de la tribu, que lucha incansablemente por su libertad y dignidad.
Sanwri - Love Beyond Gender
Bhanwar, a simpleton young man in the rural Rajasthan wants a bride for him but gets duped. Instead of a woman, he is married off to a transgender person – Sanwri. Having no resort Bhanwar and his uncle decide to keep Sanwri for their household work but fearing the social ostracization they also try to keep her actual identity a secret. Bhanwar and Sanwri eventually fall in love and fight to survive as a couple in a conservative, oppressive society where marriages are meant to take place only between a man and a woman, and traditional norms are more important than humanity.
Jhulan's Father
In the 1990s' Allahabad, a brash college student gets drawn into an uproar surrounding a critical bill that will affect India's education system.
Court Martial
Court Martial is a Hindi play starring Rajeev Khandelwal, Govind Pandey, Bhagwaan Tiwari, Saksham Dayma and Swapnil Kotriwar. When army officer Ramchander shoots his two senior officers, the jury orders for his court martial. Captain Bikash Roy steps in as the defence lawyer and tries to expose the ugly and shocking truth.
ITBP officer Kapil Dev
SI Manikandan and his police team are dispatched to Basthar, a Maoist area for election duty where they aren't trained to handle the attacks in a territory field filled with land mines while being armed with unnecessary ammunition.
Once Again
After a chance phone call leads to daily conversations, a widowed restaurant owner and a lonely film actor plan to finally meet in person.
Inspector Mishra
Drama sobre dos familias atrapadas en las restricciones hinduistas. Benarés, la ciudad santa a orillas del Ganges, no tiene compasión con aquellos que no respetan las tradiciones. Deepak, un estudiante de un barrio pobre, se enamora perdidamente de una chica de una casta superior. Devi, una universitaria cuyo comportamiento se sale de lo establecido, intenta superar la desaparición de su primer amante, mientras su padre, Pathak, es víctima de la corrupción policial y pierde el sentido de la moral. Y el niño Jhonta busca una familia. Cuatro personajes en busca de un futuro mejor, atrapados entre la época moderna y las tradiciones, y cuyos caminos están a punto de cruzarse.
Special 26
Sanjay More
A principios de la década de 1980 en la India, un grupo de estafadores roba a empresarios y políticos conocidos haciéndose pasar por funcionarios de la Oficina Central de Inteligencia o funcionarios del impuesto sobre la renta. La pandilla realiza incursiones falsas durante las cuales roban grandes cantidades de dinero de sus objetivos.
A Wednesday!
Un hombre llama a la Policía de Mumbai y les dice que ha colocado 5 bombas en distintos lugares de la ciudad y que en poco tiempo estallarán. A cambio de evitar la masacre, pide que 4 terroristas sean liberados. ¿Será auténtica la amenaza? ¿Quién estará detrás de todo, en las sombras?
Saheb Bahadur
Dy. Collector's assistant
In a small town, situated in a picturesque Indian valley, lives a corrupt Deputy collector, Hare Murari, an equally corrupt Police Superintendent, Pasupathi; a doctor; a Judge; and Professor Rampyare. These officials always ensure that no one gets anything done without their permission, thus ensuring that their palms are adequately greased. When a young man named Prem Pratap seeks a license for conducting a song and dance sequence, he too is asked to bribe them, which he does. Subsequently, Hare Murari finds out that Prem Pratap may be a Government Official who has come incognito to investigate and expose them. Hare Murari's and the others worst fears are realized when they find out that Prem has been speaking long distance with none other than the President of India. What follows is hilarious chaos as the officials come together to try and portray themselves as honest and law-abiding citizens.
The film is based around a middle-class man, Rajesh (Raj) living with his sister. He is in love with a young woman, and he intends to marry her once he has found a potential husband to take care of his sister. However, one day the sister is raped and murdered and the police are unable to find any clues and it is left to Rajesh to find the murderers and avenge her death. He traces the murderer and kills him, and is therefore now on the run from the police himself. Rajesh abducts a child as a hostage and seeks refuge in a house only to later learn that the child is the son of his former lover, who is now married to a Police Inspector. Rajesh is torn in two - whether to release the child, or to use him to make an escape.