Laura Troschel

Laura Troschel

Nacimiento : 1944-11-03, Varese, Lombardy, Italy

Muerte : 2016-09-29


Laura Troschel


Di Che Peccato Sei?
conduttrice Morti di fame
Raul - Diritto di uccidere
Imperia, la grande cortigiana
Rome, early 16th century : Imperia is a much admired courtesan , a lover of the wealthy banker Agostino Chigi , but who prefers a man named Angelo del Bufalo , known for his charm and beauty , capable of striking women , despite his its modestwealth, known during a dance at the family palace near Castel Sant'Angelo, known today as the Villa Farnesina . Cesare Borgia , involved in the murder of his brother Juan, and his sister also participate in the inauguration party of the new home of the Chigi family on the TiberLucrezia with her husband Alfonso. During the party, Imperia dances with several knights, until she reaches the arms of a knight who the day before had saved her from a bad encounter with two brigands: that knight is just her angel, with whom she establishes a relationshipsecret. .
Villa Ada
Mirta Francis
A mysterious murderer has already killed seven people using the deadly venom of a snake from Martinique which causes immediate death with the victim's face turning into a horrible mask. A young and ingenious police lieutenant is called on the case
La jaula
Una mujer se obsesiona con el hombre que le abandona, viviendo con ello durante más de 15 años, hasta que se vuelven a encontrar de manera fortuita.
El entrometido
Carla Foscari
Un misterioso asesino, que se hace llamar "El Ángel de la Guarda", y que al parecer posee poderes psíquicos, persigue al pobre Luciano.
Ciao marziano
The inhabitants of the distant planet Gemini send to Rome the extraterrestrial Bix. His task is to transport twelve Earths to the planet so that we can find out if they are suitable for living there. Bix, who's distinguishable from humans only because he has a green face, also has supernatural powers that allow him to repair damages. On the eve of the departure for Gemini, a trap is set for him...
Todos a la esqüela
Professoressa Lalla
El Profesor Pippo Bettini que fue criado a la antigua va a enseñar en el instituto Edmondo De Amicis, donde reinan las P38, las drogas y el extremismo feminista. Él se siente como pez fuera del agua y pasa a ser chantajeado por un par de traficantes de drogas, que amenazan con matar al hijo de uno de sus compañeros de trabajo...
Scherzi da prete
El joven Nerón es nombrado emperador gracias a los manejos de Agripina, pero el pueblo no tarda en considerarlo un loco y es ingresado en un manicomio.
The Man with Mirrored Glasses
Milena (as Costanza Spada)
Italian crime / mystery TV movie.
Patroclooo!... e il soldato Camillone, grande grosso e frescone
Bruno Camillone, un conocido delincuente, intenta viajar al exterior con un pasaporte a nombre de un tal Salvatore Bruschetta, pero cuando lo agarra la policía Bruno termina en el cuartel...
Theft in the Evening, a Big Coup Hopefully
A comedy about two friends attempting a heist.
Cuatro moscas sobre terciopelo gris
Roberto, un joven músico que toca la batería en una banda de rock, se ve atrapado en una intriga criminal. Tras recibir extrañas llamadas telefónicas, se da cuenta de que un hombre lo sigue. Una noche, trata de hablar con su perseguidor, pero en la confusión que sigue lo apuñala sin querer. A pesar de que abandona inmediatamente el escenario del crimen, al día siguiente recibe inexplicablemente unas fotografías del homicidio.
Vendetta at Dawn
Lory Baxter Benson (as Costanza Spada)
George Benton returns from school to his brother Jonathan's farm as a doctor and marries his fiancé Lory, but happiness doesn't last long. The Fargas brothers provide a bloodbath at the ranch and are able to divert suspicion from themselves onto a gang of passing outlaws, but one of the family has survived the massacre and knows who the actual killers are.
The Sex of Angels
Tres mujeres y un hombre se embarcan en un viaje por las costas de Croacia. Los problemas surgen cuando deciden tomar LSD...
The Blind Fly
This almost silent film has been censored and rejected for his violent scenes, even if it was well received at the Pesaro New Cinema in 1966. It contains a quotation from Beckett off-screen at the critical moment. The story sometimes seems like a puzzle where a simple man who is sick from his environment, suddenly starts killing several people near a stadium. There are also moments from his life, discussing with a friend about fear of death and various meetings his beloved girlfriend. - my-tv-is-dead