Lili Rademakers


Diary of a Mad Old Man
In this erotic drama, Marcel (Ralph Michael) fantasizes about being with his daughter-in-law Simone (Beatie Edney) after the death of his wife. The woman pretends to be surprised over his attention but does nothing to discourage his advances. He promises to build her a swimming pool in order to further his fantasies. The story is taken from the novel by Junichiro Tamizaki.
A factory worker is employed in the desolate, cold-storage cellars of a brewery. His spare time he devotes to collecting romantic images of wild flowers and sticking newspaper cuttings in an album, demonstrating a preference for more gruesome stories. Murders, rapes and acts of violence are the events which accompany his everyday existence and invest it with a tinge of color.
Like Two Drops of Water
Assistant Director
The fainthearted cigar trader Ducker keeps himself quiet during World War II. That changes when parachutist Dorbeck lands in his backyard. It turns out the parachutist bears a remarkable resemblance to Ducker. Ducker follows Dorbeck blindly, becomes involved in the Dutch resistance and soon starts killing people. When he escapes through German lines to the freed South Netherlands, no one has ever heard of Dorbeck.
That Joyous Eve...
Script Coordinator
The story of three torn apart families on the verge of Sinterklaasavond, the Dutch equivalent of Christmas Eve.
La dolce vita
Second Assistant Director
Marcello Rubini es un desencantado periodista romano, en busca de celebridades, que se mueve con insatisfacción por las fiestas nocturnas que celebra la burguesía de la época. Merodea por distintos lugares de Roma, siempre rodeado de todo tipo de personajes, especialmente de la élite de la sociedad italiana. En una de sus salidas se entera de que Sylvia, una célebre diva del mundo del cine, llega a Roma, cree que ésta es una gran oportunidad para conseguir una gran noticia, y, en consecuencia, la perseguirá por las noches por diferentes lugares de la ciudad.