Robert Stitzel


De pura raza
Bobby (John Travolta) nunca ha sido un ganador. Ahora está pasando los peores momentos de su vida, ya que su mujer ha muerto por una sobredosis y se ve obligado a sacar adelante a su hija en difíciles circustancias en Chicago.
Distant Thunder
A troubled Vietnam war vet deserts his wife and child shortly after he returns from the war. He returns after 10 years, where he's been living like an animal in the forest. He finds himself unprepared for the changes that he will have to cope with, and when the vet tries to contact his son, he realizes that he has caused more damage than he had imagined.
Distant Thunder
A troubled Vietnam war vet deserts his wife and child shortly after he returns from the war. He returns after 10 years, where he's been living like an animal in the forest. He finds himself unprepared for the changes that he will have to cope with, and when the vet tries to contact his son, he realizes that he has caused more damage than he had imagined.
Proyecto Brainstorm
El doctor Brace y la doctora Reynolds están a punto de culminar un proyecto: una máquina grabadora que, unida a unos sofisticados sensores de ondas cerebrales, puede leer y grabar todas las sensaciones físicas y emocionales del individuo. Y como colofón, quieren conseguir que esa suma de sensaciones, grabadas en una cinta de diez centímetros, pueda ser reexperimentada por otra persona diferente.
Better Late Than Never
Harry Landers is a feisty senior citizen who refuses to abide by the rules in a stodgy retirement home run by a dour Ms. Davis, in which Harry leads a revolt by the other goated senior citizen residents against the establishment.
James Thurber’s The Night the Ghost Got In
A scared kid starts all kinds of trouble. Kids' "horror" film based on the story by James Thurber.
James Thurber’s The Night the Ghost Got In
A scared kid starts all kinds of trouble. Kids' "horror" film based on the story by James Thurber.