Slaven Došlo

Slaven Došlo


Slaven Došlo


Next to Us
Set ten years on from high school drama Next to Me, this film places the former classmates in unfamiliar territory, both physical and psychological.
Belgrado, 1993. Serbia está en guerra, la gente lo pasa mal por culpa de las sanciones internacionales y la inflación desorbitada, pero cada cual hace lo que puede para sobrevivir. Marijana es la madre que mantiene unida a la familia. Su marido parece que solo levanta la mirada del suelo cuando mira a su hija Minja, que hoy cumple ocho años. En lugar del cocker spaniel que le prometieron por su cumpleaños, le traen el perro de tres patas del vecino para que juegue con él durante el día, y la tarta, en lugar de con mantequilla, ha habido que hacerla con margarina. En el salón de casa, Minja y sus compañeros de clase celebran una fiesta temática sobre las Tortugas Nija. En la cocina se apiñan los adultos.
Military Academy 5
Ilija Morača 'Ika'
Captain Stosic tries to make a comeback to his old love - flying.
Next to Me, Musical
Musical takes place before summer break, six months before the original movie "Next to Me' takes place. Characters are more immature and younger than in the original movie, and with their actions lead others into unpleasant situations, sometimes even hurting them. Some of them learn something from their experiences, learn how to apologize and forgive, while others don't.
Life Lasts Three Days
Bogdan and Svetlana come from two different layers of a rotten social system. By chance, they run into each other in her wealthy villa. They are both unhappy with their lives, and they start a complex relationship that is from the start condemned to exist only inside the vacuum the villa provides.
Diamond of Boyana
Đorđe Popović
Đorđe is being summoned to Ada Bojana to meet his father for the first time. Nikola, his dad, is a jailbird and ex-thief. Although everyone thinks Đorđe's gay, he meets Lola and sparks fly. In the meantime, everyone from cops to crime bosses want diamonds from Nikola's last heist.
Sarajevo Songs of Woe
Sarajevo Songs of Woe is a filmic triptych containing of the two tales (“Blue Ballad for Lovers” / “Blue Rondo for Survivors”) and the connecting middle part “Blue Psalm for Wolves” flowing into each other and so being united and building up one universal mosaic of life situated in Sarajevo.
Boris and his family are preparing to leave his hypochondriac parents and their impossibly tiny Belgrade flat for a long-awaited new life in Canada. However, his 10-year-old daughter Ljubica has entered a contest that is about to subvert everyone’s plans.
Military Academy 3: The New Beginning
Ilija Morača
What happened to guys and girls of Military academy since we last saw them? The first generation of cadets continue their adventures with the addition of some new blood. What one generation knows, and another is about to find out is that Military academy is not just a school, but way of life.
The wife of a successful construction manager has disappeared after an ordinary morning in Belgrade. He is assured she will come back and continues with life, as usual. But, maybe she is just the first of the collapsed dominoes.
A mi lado
Olja es una profesora de historia de escuela secundaria, casada con un pintor cuya última exposición provocó reacciones violentas de los nacionalistas serbios. Una noche, un grupo de gamberros enmascarados la ataca. Filman el ataque y suben el clip a YouTube. Al día siguiente, Olja descubre que algunos de sus estudiantes fueron responsables. Ella les quita sus teléfonos móviles, y en el calor del momento decide encerrarlos en el edificio de la escuela, desconectando también los teléfonos de la escuela e Internet. Para resolver el problema juntos, y con la incapacidad de abandonar la escuela, los estudiantes comienzan a comunicarse. Durante esa noche, una generación que fue cancelada antes de que se les diera la oportunidad aprenderá más de lo que esperaban sobre ellos mismos y sus compañeros.
It Looks Like We Are Alone
Djordje has to choose between his mask and his real face. He has to figure out how to deal with what he feels. Ognjen chose he will fight for his life and his love. Everything changes when reality crushes between them.
Jovan Stojiljković
A thriller that depicts how digital communication, pornography and vanity obstruct true emotions and love.