John Connally


John Connally


JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick
Self - Governor of Texas (archive footage)
The real reasons and orchestrators behind Hitler, to an incredible theory of the JFK assassination, all the way to 9/11 and the current age of the terrorist. Taken from an historical perspective starting around World War 1 leading to present day.
JFK's Secret Killer: The Evidence
Himself - Governor of Texas (archive footage)
Documentary investigating the events during and after the assassination of John F Kennedy.
JFK La bala perdida
Self (archive footage)
Se la ha considerado la prueba fílmica más importante de todos los tiempos: hablamos de la grabación original de Zapruder que captó los vitales once segundos del asesinato del presidente Kennedy.
Los secretos del caso Kennedy
Self (archive footage)
Durante años, los hombres del Servicio Secreto responsables de proteger al presidente John F. Kennedy guardaron silencio sobre el magnicidio que, el 22 de Noviembre de 1963, segó la vida del joven y carismático líder norteamericano. Ahora, por primera vez ante las cámaras, los agentes del Servicio Secreto a cargo de la seguridad de los Kennedy durante esos turbulentos años han accedido a compartir sus historias sobre la familia, así como sus recuerdos y reflexiones sobre el atentado de Dallas.
The Lost JFK Tapes: The Assassination
Self (archive footage)
President John F. Kennedy's 1963 assassination in Dallas has sparked decades of questions and controversy. The "lost" JFK recordings made available for this documentary -- including local TV and radio reports -- shed new light on the tragedy. The rarely seen material has been organized to capture the drama as it unfolded, including the shocked reactions of Dallas citizens, many of whom were caught up directly in the sweep of events.
Peter Jennings Reporting: The Kennedy Assassination - Beyond Conspiracy
Forty years after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, more than 80% of Americans still believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. This documentary attempts to separate fact from conspiracy theories to get to the truth, employing stunning forensic technology that makes it possible for the first time to be an eyewitness to this crime of the century – to see precisely what happened that November day in Dallas.
JFK II: The Bush Connection
Self - Governor of Texas (archive footage)
Four part documentary about JFK's murder, and who had reasons and means to do it, and to escape. - Part 1: History is written by the winners. Part 2: Through the Looking Glass. Part 3: Who killed JFK?. Part 4: Deep History.
JFK: Caso abierto
Self (archive footage)
El fiscal de Nueva Orleans, Jim Garrison, reabrió el caso del asesinato del presidente de los Estados Unidos John F. Kennedy y presentó cargos contra algunas personas. Después de entrevistar a numerosos testigos de Dallas y a personas relacionadas con los hechos, mantuvo la tesis de que el magnicidio fue fruto de una conspiración en la que podrían haber intervenido el FBI, la CIA y el propio vicepresidente Lindon B. Johnson.