Eugen Knecht

Eugen Knecht

Nacimiento : 1987-06-11,


Eugen Knecht


Ein Leben lang
A house by the lake near Berlin: this is where former pop star Arthur Weyer, 75, and his wife Elsa, who is ten years his junior, spent many happy hours. But that is a long time ago. The couple separated four years ago - Arthur had fallen in love with a much younger woman. This relationship failed since Arthur fell ill with dementia. Despite all the bitterness, Elsa still feels responsible for Arthur and is looking for a place in a nursing home. In order to be able to finance this, the house on the lake has to be sold - but against Arthur's will. For clearing out and repairs, the two hire 45-year-old Sorin, who lives alone on a houseboat and works as a DJ. Sorin and Arthur get along great right away. First, there are violent arguments between Elsa and Sorin. But slowly Elsa and Sorin are getting closer. Suddenly things are brought up that have been repressed for years.
Luna's Revenge
When Luna’s family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she’s been living a lie: her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.
La primavera de Christine
Breitschultriger Russe
Viena 1945. Christine una niña acostumbrada a la guerra se tiene que hospedar junto a su familia en una acomodada casa a las afueras de Viena. Ahora tienen un techo donde cobijarse pero nada más. La gente del pueblo espera la llegada de los rusos. Todos tienen miedo, Chirstine no.
En nombre de mi hijo
Vladimir Suworow
Basada en un hecho real, esta película cuenta el caso de Claus Jansen. Una noche, su hijo de 12 años desaparece del internado donde estudia y poco después lo encuentran asesinado. Como las investigaciones de la policía no llevan a ninguna parte, se pone a buscar al asesino él mismo y comienza una búsqueda obsesiva que durará años, siempre angustiado por la certeza de saber que si no la hubiera enviado al internado, su hijo todavía estaría vivo.