Dorothée Van Den Berghe


Rosie & Moussa
Rosie moves with her mother to an apartment on the other side of Brussels. She gets to know a lot of new people, including Moussa, who lives in the apartment above her, who gives her a complete tour of the neighbourhood, including the roof. And they search together for Rosie's father, who hasn't come home in some time.
My Queen Karo
Karo, una niña de diez años, vive con sus padres en una comuna de Amsterdam durante la década de los setenta. Su existencia, marcada por el hecho de ser hija única y por vivir en aquella utopía creada por los adultos que la rodean, transcurre sin preocupaciones. Aunque conforme a los principios de aquel modo de vida todo lo que hay en la casa se comparte, pronto se hace patente que no todo el mundo está preparado para cumplir este precepto. Karo se encuentra dividida entre el amor que siente por su madre y la lealtad que les debe a su padre y a los ideales de éste.
My Queen Karo
Karo, una niña de diez años, vive con sus padres en una comuna de Amsterdam durante la década de los setenta. Su existencia, marcada por el hecho de ser hija única y por vivir en aquella utopía creada por los adultos que la rodean, transcurre sin preocupaciones. Aunque conforme a los principios de aquel modo de vida todo lo que hay en la casa se comparte, pronto se hace patente que no todo el mundo está preparado para cumplir este precepto. Karo se encuentra dividida entre el amor que siente por su madre y la lealtad que les debe a su padre y a los ideales de éste.
Muriel moves from a small village to the big city of Brussels, hoping to start an independent life working as a museum guide. She rents a room from Laura, who has a room to spare now that her mother is in hospital. Laura is a vital and candid woman who has a child-wish but leads a very chaotic life. Meanwhile, Muriel's mother has a hard time accepting that her daughter leads a life of her own now, and she also faces some changes at the factory where she works. The movie follows the interconnected lifes of these three women of three different generations, who all face different problems.
Muriel moves from a small village to the big city of Brussels, hoping to start an independent life working as a museum guide. She rents a room from Laura, who has a room to spare now that her mother is in hospital. Laura is a vital and candid woman who has a child-wish but leads a very chaotic life. Meanwhile, Muriel's mother has a hard time accepting that her daughter leads a life of her own now, and she also faces some changes at the factory where she works. The movie follows the interconnected lifes of these three women of three different generations, who all face different problems.
Brussels Midnight
A young girl is getting over a finished relationship. Meanwhile, a thief steals the traces of this relationship from her apartment.
Kiekeboe: Het witte bloed
The Kiekeboe family goes on vacation to the "The New Paradise". Camping Along rides Kiekeboe a man with a wound from which white blood comes. An ambulance takes the man chased him. Surprised, the family decides to forget the incident and continue their journey.
A man and a woman are breaking up.
Hanneke is a twelve year old girl, who's adopted. She's ashamed of her frizzy hair and tries anything to straighten it, so she can arrive at school with a different hairdo.