Erling Rein


El cadáver
Sound Designer
Película que nos sitúa en un peculiar Hotel, en un futuro post apocalíptico. En dicho establecimiento se ofrecen cenas con espectáculo, mientras afuera el planeta entero pasa hambre. Una familia pobre, consigue unas entradas para pasar una noche allí, pero su sueño se convertirá en pesadilla cuando descubren que son parte del siniestro juego que los anfitriones proponen.
Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance
Supervising Sound Editor
The world of finance is at a crossroad. It is short-term traders versus long-term investors. Greed versus responsibility. Artificial intelligence versus human minds. For decades, the financial industry has been dominated by "wolves" seeking short-term personal gains.
Vikings vs. Wolves - The Battle of Finance
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
The world of finance is at a crossroad. It is short-term traders versus long-term investors. Greed versus responsibility. Artificial intelligence versus human minds. For decades, the financial industry has been dominated by "wolves" seeking short-term personal gains.
The Black Death
Sound Mixer
A recreation of the period when the bubonic plague reigned over Norway.