Coworkers Alexandre, Lima, Rocha, Diguinho and their families are treated by the company to a trip to Bahia. However, problems and unforeseen events can ruin this dream trip.
Lucas and Bebel decide to get married and have no idea that religion will be a reason for discord in families. While the bride's father wants to strengthen Jewish traditions, Luke's mother wants her son to take Umbanda traditions to his future family.
Long before they socialized almost every day at Dona Jô's pension, Jéssica, Ferdinando and Máicol didn't even know each other. But when Terezinha decides to organize a big feijoada at Morro do Cerol, they all meet for the first time, in the most unusual way possible.
Tras una larga temporada en la cárcel, Caco Antibes (Miguel Falabella) es finalmente liberado y vuelve a la actividad para planear un nuevo y grandioso golpe que involucra a toda su familia: Vavá, Casandra, Ribamar y Magda.
Valdomiro gets involved in yet another scheme, this time involving the same people that tricked him into losing everything - and he brings everyone from Ms. Jô's hostel along.