Lorenzo Serrano


Odd Thomas, cazador de fantasmas
CG Artist
Aunque Thomas no pretende cambiar el mundo, ayuda al jefe de la policía local a resolver crímenes, sirviéndose de sus poderes: tiene la capacidad de poder ver y hablar con los fantasmas e incluso con los espíritus malignos que se regodean con el dolor ajeno y cuya presencia significa la inminencia de actos violentos. Thomas empieza a alarmarse cuando ve a cientos de esos espíritus revoloteando alrededor de un forastero. Cuando descubre que ese hombre ha construido un santuario para asesinos y que ha puesto en marcha un peligroso complot, intentará detenerlo por todos los medios a su alcance.
Campeón de la muerte
Bahia of All Saints
Associate Producer
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Bahia of All Saints
Executive Producer
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, during the dictatorship of Getúlio Vargas. Outlaw Tonio is involved in a conflict between strikers and the police. His mistress tries to keep him from his companions, but he steals her belongings to help the persecuted. Dissatisfied, she denounces him, compromising him politically.
Homens Sem Paz
A young man gets a job as a cowboy and awakes the hostility of his new boss.