After learning the shocking truth about the people who raised her, young Dawn goes to stay with her real family — a family with dark and twisted secrets. As she struggles to fit in, her cruel grandmother starts to rule her life with an iron fist.
Basado en el anti-héroe menos convencional de la Marvel, Deadpool narra el origen de un ex-operativo de la fuerzas especiales llamado Wade Wilson, reconvertido a mercenario, y que tras ser sometido a un cruel experimento adquiere poderes de curación rápida, adoptando Wade entonces el alter ego de Deadpool. Armado con sus nuevas habilidades y un oscuro y retorcido sentido del humor, Deadpool intentará dar caza al hombre que casi destruye su vida.
It's been many years since Sikat left the Philippines to work as a live-in caregiver in Canada. Now the day has finally arrived for her husband and son to rejoin her.