Ariel Henrique


Ricos de Amor 2
Mix Technician
Cuando la idealista Paula retoma su trabajo como médica voluntaria en la Amazonía, Teto convence a sus socios para que establezcan su cooperativa de tomates en un pueblo de la región. Pero para recuperar el corazón de Paula y salvar a la empresa de la bancarrota, Teto deberá superar definitivamente sus hábitos de playboy mimado y enfrentarse a los intereses de un poderoso granjero, que se interpone en su camino.
What I've Never Lost
Sound Mixer
A feature documentary on the life of Alzira Espíndola and her impact and influence on different generations of Brazilian music. From her origins on Mato Grosso do Sul to her breakthrough as a instrumentist and composer in São Paulo, the movie explores her life, work and ventures with partners such as Itamar Assumpção, Ney Matogrosso and her sister Tetê Espíndola with irreverence and erudition.
The Rightful
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Summoning documents, images, and sounds from the archives to connect the past with the present in the struggle for land and water in the Guapiaçu valley region in Brazil.
Skull: The Mask
Sound Mixer
Un asesino en serie de origen sobrenatural, basado en la mitología precolombina, se adentra en la ciudad de São Paulo con sed de venganza.
The Yellow Night
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Un grupo de amigos viaja a una casa de playa en una isla en la costa brasileña para celebrar el final de la escuela secundaria. Sin embargo, sus bromas y fiestas se ven truncadas por la sensación de que el lugar alberga un horror insondable.
El canto de la selva
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Un niño, de 15 años, que vive en el pueblo de Krahô experimenta un suceso sobrenatural: la voz de su padre fallecido le anima a que celebre un evento funerario con el objetivo de que su espíritu consiga, finalmente, abandonar el mundo de los vivos y dirigirse al pueblo de los muertos. Sin embargo, sabiendo que si realiza esta acción se acabará convirtiendo en un chamán, el joven decide mudarse a la civilización del Este. Lo que se avecina será algo que no espere en absoluto.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Luiz Roberto Galizia died very young, but he left behind a wealth of personal archives. 30 years later, his niece Ana Galizia plunges into these archives to follow the traces of this uncle she never met.
Gloria and Grace
Supervising Sound Editor
Graça is a single mother who works as a massage therapist and lives with her two children: Moreno, 8, and Papoula, 15. One day, in a visit to the doctor, Graça is diagnosed with a brain aneurism that may rupture at any moment. Desperate about who will take care of her kids in the event of her death, she decides to go after her brother, Luiz Carlos, whom she hasn't seen in over 15 years due to a quarrel. When they meet, however, Luiz Carlos has become Gloria, a beautiful and successful transvestite, who now owns a restaurant and brags about being independent. At first, Gloria is unwilling to reconnect with her family; but as she becomes more guilt-stricken, she accepts Graça's invitation to meet her nephews and eventually realizes that maybe, to be complete, she needs to become a mother.
Ballad of Return
ADR Recordist
One day, Eduardo arrives at his house and discovers that Julia, his wife, tried to commit suicide. She left her husband and two children without saying goodbye. After some time, she comes back home. He tries everything to set her straight, but the impossibility of knowing her fully grieves him. The shadow of the suicide and the inevitable ghost of a new chance hover over their heads. Eduardo insists on understanding his wife, but an increasing jealousy and an unexpected discovery of her past torture him. He does not realize that, most of the time, the search for control easily becomes an obsession.
Way of Giants
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
En un bosque de árboles gigantes, Oquirá, de seis años, se embarca en una búsqueda para comprender la vida.
I Would Like to Be Enraptured, Muzzled, and on my back Tattooed
Sound mixer
Silvana is a tired woman. The world no longer belongs to her, the invisible bothers her, the daily life oppresses her. What she wants sometimes is to abandon everything and go back home.
Elite Cup
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Jorge es capitán del BOPE, uno de los cuerpos de policía de élite más respetados de todo el mundo. En las vísperas de la Copa del Mundo que se celebra en su país, entra en una favela de Río de Janeiro contraviniendo las órdenes de sus superiores. Allí se encuentra con un jugador argentino secuestrado al cual libera. Se trata del mejor jugador de la selección argentina, y como es un rival directo toda la nación empieza a odiar a Jorge. Tal es así, que lo tienen que despedir de su trabajo, y todo por cumplir con su deber. El Papa va a acudir a la Copa del Mundo, y Jorge descubre que unos traficantes tienen un plan para asesinarlo. A pesar de que su país no se ha portado muy bien con él, no puede dejar que asesinen al Papa en el Mundial. Por eso, reúne a un equipo un tanto pintoresco, el cual puede ayudarle a impedir que Brasil se haga famoso por ser el lugar en donde asesinaron al Papa.
In the light of day
Sound Mixer
Looking for the memory of an old vacant house, a camera hunts for traces of the persons that lived there. Family images contrast the liveliness and abandonment.
Graffiti Dança
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
My Friend Nietzsche
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
11-year-old Lucas finds a philosophy book by Nietzsche in the city dump, discarded by its previous owner. This improbable meeting will be the beginning of a violent revolution in his mind, within his family and within society. In the end, Lucas will be no longer a boy -- He will be dynamite.
Sons da Esperança
Sound Mixer
The documentary tells the story of the "Orquestra Criança Cidadã do Coque" [Child Citizen Orchestra of Coque]. This is the realization of a social project, conceived by Judge John Targino, in which the children of one of the most violent neighborhoods of Recife - the "Coque" - receive music and instruments lessons, forming a classical music orchestra. The first part of the documentary features interviews with many parents, talking about their experiences and how the project has changed their lives, not only of their children, but their own. Then, in the second part, we have interviews with the students themselves and watch part of the preparations for the concert commemorating the anniversary of the orchestra - and, of course, all anxiety and expectation that this moment brings to their lives. Finally, in the third part, the concert is shown almost entirety. The kids brilliantly perform orchestral pieces of J. S. Bach, E. Elgar and H. Villa-Lobos.