Nick Pezzillo


El cazador de búfalos
Una epopeya fronteriza sobre un desertor de la Ivy League que viaja a las tierras salvajes de Colorado, donde se une a un equipo de cazadores de búfalos en un viaje que pone en peligro su vida y su cordura. Basada en la aclamada novela de John Williams.
My Last Days: Meet Claire, Finding Beauty in the Sadness
Claire Wineland was born with Cystic Fibrosis. Doctors say she has only a short time left to live, but she never lets that stop her from making the most of every day. Her dream? To be a motivational speaker. Hear her story and watch her get an amazing surprise..
There Is No Gravity
A sister comes to terms with what it means to come of age in rural isolation, but the adversity of the outside world is no comparison to the immensity of her imagination.
Código de venganza
Un respetado hombre de negocios se ve atrapado en mitad de una guerra entre dos familias rivales del crimen organizado. Tendrá que elegir entre ser fiel a la tradición familiar o ser fiel a sí mismo.