Juan Carlos Carbajal


1 For 1
An extraordinary black comedy that explores the limits of survival and absurdist political power games. The story takes place in times of elections in Mexico. A candidate for Governor runs over a pregnant migrant. After the accident, and to avoid a possible scandal, he hides her in a building he owns. Pressured by his political boss and so as not to ruin his political career, the candidate evicts the migrant. In a non-realistic style, the film focuses on the stories that surround the migrant during her search for a room. A radical film, with a critical gaze, that reflects the spirit of contemporary Mexican society.
Autopsia de un fantasma
Photoscience Manager
El fantasma de un hombre que se suicidó 400 años antes y que fue condenado a no tener paz le dan cuatro días para salvarse si en ellos conquista a otras tantas mujeres y logra que una de ellas se sacrifique por él.
SOS Conspiracion Bikini
Photoscience Manager
Protegidas por su exuberante belleza, un grupo de hermosas mujeres que forma parte de la organización terrorista más grande de América Latina, se reúne en un hotel con casino de Quito, Ecuador, mientras que se celebra una convención de modas de playa. Alex, un agente experimentado, se les deberá enfrentar.