William Salicath

William Salicath


William Salicath


Second Encounters
In this tale of second chances, two ex-lovers run into each other in a restaurant. Both are with new partners. Both are unhappy. Both are still in love with the other. Dormant feelings rush to the surface and the opportunity to rekindle the past presents itself. Will the outcome be different?
Queen for a Day
In Sara's class, the popular kids, also known as the kings and queens, are subjected to daily humiliations, which include having their pants pulled down or water thrown on them, but this is only a sign of their elevated status. Sara is the only blond and blue-eyed girl in her class, and she is completely overlooked by the kings and queens who do not have blond hair and blue eyes. She has a secret crush on one of the kings, who is way out of her league, and she doesn't have any friends either, but would like to become friends with Karen, also an outsider who aspires to a better status. One day, Sara eyes an opportunity to boost her popularity by humiliating herself and thereby become queen. Karen instantly becomes her friend, she seems to catch the eye of her kingly crush and popularity appears within her reach. However, her happiness is short-lived, and in the end she learns a far more valuable lesson than how to be queen for a day.
Amor es todo lo que necesitas
Wedding Guest
La directora de origen danés Susanne Bier ('En un mundo mejor') después de ganar el Oscar a la Mejor Película de Habla no inglesa, aborda esta comedia romántica centrada en el choque entre dos muy diferentes que se encontrarán en una bonita finca italiana, en medio de una arboleda para celebrar una romántica boda, meticulosamente planeada hasta el más mínimo detalle. Por supuesto, nada saldrá como los organizadores habían pensado, porque explotarán todos los secretos que los participantes mantenían guardados. En medio de ese desastre, algunos de los participantes, intentarán buscar el amor, como es el caso de Ida (Trine Dyrholm, 'Celebración'), que acaba de ser víctima de una infidelidad por parte de su pareja, y Philip (Pierce Brosnan, 'Muere otro día'), con quien se encontrará casualmente. Entre risas y llantos, música y baile, alcohol y convites... ¡todo puede pasar!
The Christmas Party
When Anders Bo begins his new job as a car salesman, he is given the special task of infiltrating the small competing car shop, Holger's Auto during their annual Christmas party and steal their customer file. As Anders Bo romps through the commotion and antics of the celebration, he realizes that his assignment in fact relates to an old family feud and that the odd and funny characters working there might have more to offer than meets the eye - especially Amalie, the beautiful daughter of the owner, Holger. In the middle of Christmas pudding and Christmas cheer Anders Bo suddenly learns to listen to his heart.