Chris Rodrigues


Massacre in Dinosaur Valley
Executive Producer
A plane crashes in the Amazon jungle, and its passengers must battle their way through cannibals, slave traders, wild animals and murderous piranha fish to safety.
Mujeres en fuga
Angela es condenada a 24 años de prisión por el asesinato de un traficante de drogas en Brasil. En la cárcel su belleza despierta no sólo una desenfrenada pasión en el gobernador, sino también en las demás prisioneras e incluso en las mismas guardias. Sólo el médico de la prisión, conocido de Angela, cree en su inocencia y trata de ayudarla a salir. Pero estalla en prisión una feroz revuelta en contra de los tratos inhumanos recibidos. Ante el caos general un grupo de prisioneras escapa y junto a ellas, Angela. Tras ellas, la furia de la policía y en el camino los peligros propios de la selva, sumado también a la codicia de unos buscadores de diamantes que ven en las fugitivas el precio de una recompensa.
Production Manager
A little village. Between the loam huts, a new construction: the school. In the classroom, adults make a first attempt at writing. At home,the children help their illiterate parents with their schoolwork. A woman :“Why I am at school? I don’t need to read or write. But I want to vote.”
Zeca, Portrait of a Vaqueiro
Production Manager
The picture retraces the professional, social and family life of Zeca, a cow-boy from the northeast of Brazil. From the most perfect calm he can fly into a state of the wildest excitement. From his lazy hammock he leaps into the hard saddle, which carries him at breakneck speed along tortuous paths in search of his cattle.
The Raft
Production Manager
An intimate account of a thousand kilometer journey on a river in the Northeast of Brazil on a self-made raft carrying a small household including two children. The raft is the means of transport since time immemorial and the journey to the town of Teresina lasts about a month. Life in slow-motion, with fleeting encounters along the banks. When the family arrives in Teresina, the merchandise is sold, the raft dismanteld, branch by branch, leaf by leaf.
Fragmentos de Dois Escritores
Production Manager