Teruko Mita

Teruko Mita


Teruko Mita


Ultra Q: The 1/8 Project
S13 District Local Welfare Officer
Theatrical version of episode 17 of Ultra Q TV series.
47 Ronin
Esta impresionante historia épica ha sido a veces etiquetada como la versión japonesa de "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó". Chusha Ichikawa personifica a un señor feudal poderoso y despiadado que lucha contra el virtuoso y joven noble, Yuzo Kayama. Ichikawa encuentra una victoria parcial cuando engaña a Kayama y lo convence de hacerse el Hara Kiri. La venganza será realizada por los cuarenta y siete samuráis de Kayama. Basada en una leyenda japonesa venerable, la historia de Chushingura ha sido filmada en varias ocasiones, pero sólo la versión de 1941 (47 Ronin) estuvo a la altura de la versión de 1962, del gran director Hiroshi Inagaki.
A Woman's Place
Drama sobre la vida de cinco hijas y la hijastra del dueño de una tienda.
The Last War
This Japanese film speculates on the events which lead the U.S. and the Soviet Union into a nuclear Armageddon.
Rest House Owner's Wife
Un par de gemelas de aspecto diminuto, habitantes de la isla de Beru, custodian celosamente a su deidad "Mothra". Desgraciadamente, son raptadas y trasladadas a Tokio por un expedicionario sin escrúpulos para ser explotadas artísticamente. Las gemelas utilizarán sus poderes místicos para revivir al gusano gigante a través de la telepatía. Éste a su vez se dirigirá a Tokio, con el firme propósito de recuperar a sus guardianas, ya convertido en polilla gigante y arrasándolo todo a su paso.
Autumn Has Already Started
Una madre soltera de campo que cría a un niño de 6º grado llega a Tokio, deja al niño para vivir con la familia de su tío, dirige una tienda de comestibles en dificultades y trabaja en una posada local. El chico se hace amigo de una chica, que resulta ser la hija del posadero...
Summer Clouds
A war widow with a young boy manages a farm with her bossy mother-in-law. When a reporter comes to interview her, the two begin an affair. He turns out to be married and won't leave his wife. Her older brother tries to marry off his children and hang on to/ extend his farm through an advantageous marriage in the face of threatened land confiscation and the desire of his children to get comfortable urban jobs instead of the backbreaking work in the paddy fields under parental control.
All About Marriage
Ultra-perky model likes single freedom but feels ryosai kenbo ("good wife, wise mother") pressure, exemplified by her bored-to-tears sister.
The Third President
The fourth entry in the Company President Series
A Rainbow Plays in My Heart: Part 1
An Ishiro Honda film. The first part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the second film.
A Rainbow Plays in My Heart: Part 2
An Ishiro Honda film. The second part of A Rainbow Plays in My Heart released the same day as the first film.
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
The Lonely Swordsman (Part 1)
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
An adaptation of the popular Sazae-san comic strip. The first entry in Toho's Sazae-san series.
Jacks and Jills
Kayo (Eriko's mother)
Tokyo no hito sayonara
Kane, Ryukichi's wife
Nigetekita hanayome
Sin descripción
Sudden Rain
A husband and wife's pet peeves and minor irritations escalate into major rifts and animosity.
Godzilla contraataca
'Yayoi' Madam
Godzilla, resucitada por arte de magia tras su muerte al final del primer título, se enfrenta esta vez a un nuevo monstruo, Anguilas, un extraño gigante cuadrúpedo acorazado, y tras destruir parcialmente la ciudad de Osaka, acaba enterrada en el hielo de una pequeña isla a causa de los bombardeos de los aviones del ejército japonés. Segunda película de la saga Godzilla.
Nubes flotantes
Yukiko y Tomioka fueron amantes durante la II Guerra Mundial, que pasaron en el sudeste asiático. Terminado el conflicto, Yukiko vuelve a Tokio en busca de Tomioka, al que cree divorciado, pero él sigue casado. A partir de ese momento su relación alterna separaciones y reencuentros, mientras otros hombres y mujeres pasan por sus vidas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Husband and Wife
A married couple looking for an apartment move in with the husband's co-worker, a widower. The husband becomes jealous of the widower and his wife.
Kimi, Haruo's mother
Parent apathy to sexual education leads to various troubles for the young cast.
Tokyo Sweetheart
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Forty-Eight Man
Jidai-geki by Kiyoshi Saeki
Okuni and Gohei
A high-born woman named Okuni travels around the country with Gohei, a samurai retainer who is in service to her. They are in search of Tomonojo, who has killed the man who was Okuni’s husband and Gohei’s master, and they cannot return to their lord’s home until they have fulfilled their duty of hunting down and killing Tomonojo.