Yvonne Robertson


Dark Shade Creek
Ellie May
Long ago, a tragedy befell a small logging town. For decades, in that very same community, a psychopathic murderer has roamed. Hellbent on finding and destroying anyone who is unfortunate enough to wander into his wilderness. When a group of college students decide to get away for a weekend, their party plans land them in Dark Shade Creek. But a weekend of fun soon descends into madness, and the teens find themselves in a downward spiral of terror, with almost no chance of escape.
The Returning
Mrs. Lyons
Two different men are possessed by spirits of Native Americans after they separately wander into a sacred burial ground. When John and Sybil come home with their son after a trip to the Mojave Desert, they bring an unusual stone back as a memento of the trip. The stone seems to cause strange noises and other horrible inexplicable phenomena.
Caminando en el viento
Costume Design
Un antiguo guerrero indio que ha llegado al final de su vida es rescatado de su "muerte" para salvar a su familia de una incursión de indios enemigos en esta historia única de "indios sin un solo vaquero"
John Baker's Last Race
Script Researcher
John Baker emerges as a fine runner while in High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and then continues setting records at the University of New Mexico. His ability is world-class, and after receiving his university degree he accepts a position as a coach and physical education teacher at Aspen Elementary School while continuing to train (with the 1972 Olympics in sight). He becomes very popular with parents and students alike, for seeking ways to involve all his students, even those with an apparent lack of ability. Learning that he has terminal cancer he contemplates suicide, but instead chooses to dedicate himself even more to the kids, helping even the handicapped to participate, and co-founding and coaching the Duke City Dashers, an all-girl AAU track team. He hopes his "last race"...already beating the odds by a year, will not end before seeing this team win the national title.