Gordon Griffith

Gordon Griffith

Nacimiento : 1907-07-04, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1958-10-12


Gordon Griffith


The Courageous Dr. Christian
Assistant Director
A doctor fights an epidemic that breaks out in the poor section of town and tries to get the rest of the town to help out.
Meet Dr. Christian
Assistant Director
The first of six films in the "Dr. Christian" series, starring Jean Hersholt as a small town doctor trying to convince local officials to approve funds for a new hospital.
Exile Express
Production Manager
A San Francisco reporter and a lab assistant foil spies on an East-bound deportation train.
Renfrew of the Royal Mounted
El sargento Preston de la policía montada de Canadá patrulla la selva de la Yukon con su caballo Rex y su fiel perro Yukon King, luchando tanto contra los criminales como contra los elementos.
Jungle Menace
Mystery and adventure, surrounding a stolen rubber harvest.
Outlaws of the Range
When Steve Harper chases down some rustlers, he loses his gun in the ensuing fistfight. After Wilson is killed, Steve's gun is found nearby and he as arrested. Jimmy Wilson breaks him out of jail and he heads after the real killer.
Blazing Justice
A cowboy captures two rustlers and collects a $5000 reward. Using the money to take a vacation, he winds up getting accused of a murder he didn't commit.
Gun Play
Henchman Mark
A cowboy comes to the aid of a lady rancher threatened by Mexican bandits who believe there is a treasure buried on her land.
Bars of Hate
Jim Grant
Ted Clark rescues pickpoket Danny from a mob, and restores Danny's loot, a pocketbook, to its owner Ann Dawson. She is carrying a letter that proves her brother, who is on death row, is innocent and Jim Grant is the guilty party. Ted and Danny help her escape from Grant's henchmen. They have several narrow escapes while on their way to give the proof to the Governor.
Western Frontier
Henchman Steve
Ken and his sister are separated while young when the Indians attack their wagon train. Ken, now grown, is sent after the outlaw known as the Golden hair Girl only to find that she's his long lost sister.
What Price Crime
Red - a Gangster
Thieves break into a warehouse that stores guns, steal them and kill the night watchman. An undercover agent assigned to the case happens to get into a traffic accident with the sister of the man the police suspect is head of the burglary ring, and in order to work his way into the gang, he romances the boss' sister. Complications ensue when the two fall in love.
Speed Limited
Government Man
A wealthy blonde gal in Las Vegas gets mixed up with a lady gangster and the G-man that is chasing the gangster.
The Nevada Buckaroo
Assistant Director
When the Nevada Kid gets caught in a stage robbery, the gang leader Cherokee gets him released by forging a petition to the Governor. The Kid tries to go straight but the stage he is guarding gets robbed. When the Sheriff jails Cherokee who was not in on the robbery, the Kid gets caught effecting Cherokee's escape and finds himself in jail again.
The Branded Man
Fred Colgate, wealthy young man, learns that his tramp wife has been unfaithful and leaves her, and goes to Mexico. An accident causes him to be thought dead. He becomes a prizefighter, and when he return to his home city, he encounters a strange situation.
The Cat's Pajamas
La pequeña Anita
Tim Rooney
Annie es hija de un policía y vive en los barrios bajos con su padre y su hermano. Sus mejores amigos son una pandilla de chavales del barrio con los que juega y se pelea. Cuando su padre es asesinado y el muchacho del que está enamorada es acusado del hecho, sus amigos harán todo lo posible por ayudarla a encontrar al verdadero culpable. (filmaffinit-y)
Catch My Smoke
Bub Jessup
When Bob Stratton returns from war in France, he soon discovers his ranch in the hands of a pretty girl, Mary Thorne, who explains that upon her father's death she became the sole owner. Thorne had been the executor of Stratton's will, and thinking that Bob had been killed, he had appropriated the place for himself.
El herrero de la aldea
Bill as a Child
De jóvenes, el escudero (Marshall) y el herrero del pueblo (Walling) están enamorados de la misma mujer (Boardman), con quien se casa el herrero. Esto enfurece al escudero. Años más tarde, el hijo del escudero, Anson (Yearsley), desafía al hijo del herrero, Johnnie (Hackathorne), a trepar a un árbol, del que cae y queda lisiado. De adultos, Anson y la hija del herrero Alice (Valli) se enamoran, lo que enfurece al herrero, que castiga a su hija. El otro hijo del herrero, Bill (Butler), regresa de la universidad y resulta herido en un accidente de tren. Anson roba $ 480 de un fondo de la iglesia que actualmente está en posesión de Alice. Alice es alcanzada por un rayo. El herrero lleva a Anson y al escudero a la iglesia, donde ambos se arrepienten.
Sam Williams
Young rapscallion Penrod Schofield causes a good deal of trouble in his community, all in the name of protecting kids from too-strict parents and nasty neighbors. He heads the ABPA (American Boys' Protective Association) and through it disrupts a number of local social events. The townspeople are pretty fed up with Penrod and his gang, but when a couple of outlaws come to town, Penrod shows his mettle.
Cameron of the Royal Mounted
A young Scottish immigrant to Canada becomes a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
The Adventures of Tarzan
Tarzan spurns the love of La, Queen of Opar. When he isn't trying to keep the Bolshevik Rokoff and Clayton (pretender to the Greystoke estate) from reaching Opar, he is attacked simultaneously by two lions, dropped into a pit when a volcano splits the ground, nearly sacrificed by sun worshipers, and so on.
El pequeño Lord Fauntleroy
Boy Stealing Grapes (uncredited)
l joven Cedric Errol vive con su madre viuda en la ciudad de Nueva York. El difunto padre de Cedric era un hijo del conde de Dorincourt, pero el conde se había opuesto firmemente a la boda de su hijo, y por lo tanto se ha distanciado de Cedric y su madre. Pero cuando el hijo único superviviente del conde muere en un accidente de equitación, Cedric repente se convierte en Lord Fauntleroy, heredero del conde. Cedric y su madre viajan a Inglaterra, donde se tienen que superar duros sentimientos del conde sobre el pasado, así como algunos obstáculos inesperados. (filmaffinit)
A Daughter of the Law
Pete Jepsen
A city girl revenuer spies on illegal whiskey making in the hills.
The Son of Tarzan
Tarzan's son Jack is kidnapped from England by his old enemy Paulovich. Jack escapes into the African jungle where he meets Meriem, a European girl held captive. Freeing her, he falls in love but she's sought by Paulovich. Then Tarzan arrives with Jane to save the day!
Huckleberry Finn
Tom Sawyer
Huckleberry Finn, a rambuctious boy adventurer chafing under the bonds of civilization, escapes his humdrum world and his selfish, plotting father by sailing a raft down the Mississippi River. Accompanying him is Jim, a slave running away from being sold. Together the two strike a bond of friendship that takes them through harrowing events and thrilling adventures.
Under the Top
Jimmie Jones (prologue and epilogue)
Jimmie, a small-town boy, visits a traveling circus passing through town. he falls in love with Pansy, the daughter of the circus' tightrope walker, after he saves her from a gang of thugs...
The Romance of Tarzan
Tarzan as a Boy
Tarzan and Jane are to sail for England. They are attacked by natives and Tarzan is believed to have been killed. The Greystoke relatives return to England, the Porters (Jane's family) goes to their ranch near San Francisco. Tarzan shows up in a tuxedo and rescues Jane from outlaws...
Tarzan de los monos
Young Tarzan
Una hembra simula criar al niño huérfano (Tarzán) y lo cría en el transcurso de muchos años hasta que finalmente se lanza una misión de rescate y la partida de búsqueda peina la jungla por el desaparecido Lord Greystoke. Pero luego, uno de los miembros de la búsqueda, Jane Porter, se separa del grupo y se encuentra cara a cara con temibles animales salvajes. Tarzán la salva del daño justo a tiempo y el amor comienza a florecer.
The Little American
Child (uncredited)
A young American has her ship torpedoed by a German U-boat but makes it back to her ancestral home in France, where she witnesses German brutality firsthand.
A newly adopted girl is doted on by her adopted father but faces indifference from her adopted mother.
Naked Hearts
Cecil - as a Child
Maud and Cecil have been in love since they were children in the pre-Civil War South, but Howard, Maud's domineering brother, disapproves of a marriage between them. Instead, he has chosen English nobleman Lord Lovelace as the ideal fiancé for Maud. On the night that the engagement is to be announced, however, she elopes with Cecil. The runaways are caught, though, after which, because of her loyalty to her brother, Maud sends Cecil away. When the Civil War begins, Howard, Lovelace and Cecil all volunteer, and are all soon reported killed in action. Heartbroken, Maud decides to become a nun, and takes her vows just moments before Cecil, whose death was mistakenly reported, returns from the battlefield and comes to the convent to ask her to marry him.
Ben Blair
Ben Blair, as a child
After the death of his mother, young Ben Blair finds a safe home on John Rankin’s ranch. But when Rankin is murdered, the older Ben sets out to seek vengeance.
Pierre - the Boy
Little Doris Calhoun, of a wealthy English family, makes a playmate of Pierre, a crippled gypsy boy, and drifts away with him and the gypsy band on their wanderings and is seen no more. In twelve years she becomes a great favorite with the gypsies, who have named her Kilmeny, but rather than be married to a brutal fellow, Barouche, she flees the camp.
El romance de Charlot
Newsboy (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
Those Country Kids
Those Country Kids is a 1914 short comedy film starring Fatty Arbuckle and Mabel Normand, and directed by Fatty Arbuckle.[1]
El mazo de Charlot
Boy (uncredited)
Tres hombres pelearán por el amor de una encantadora joven. Uno de ellos, Charlot, consigue sacarlos del juego haciendo trampa y usando un mazo y encerrándolos en un granero. Un niño precoz intenta, sin éxito, competir con Charlot.
Charlot en el cabaret
Boy in Park (uncredited)
Mientras atraviesa un parque Charlot encuentra a Mabel, una joven de alta sociedad, y a dos malandrines que la están asaltando y logra ponerlos en fuga. En agradecimiento la joven lo invita a una fiesta. Charlot, que era camarero en un café de un barrio pobre, se hace pasar por un conde y concurre a la misma. Sus barrabasadas y su vulgaridad llaman la atención pero no lo delatan. Charlot regresa a su trabajo y justo allí concurre el festejante de Mabel, y rival de Charlot, con algunos amigos en tren de visitar un lugar para ellos desusado. Finaliza la película con un alboroto final al ser descubierta su impostura.
Charlot, de conquista
Charlot camina entre las parejas románticas en el parque. Una joven le pide un recuerdo de amor a su acompañante y éste le roba un reloj de bolsillo a un hombre dormido. Charlot a su vez se lo quita y se lo da a la joven. Luego lo obtiene de vuelta y trata de vendérselo a su dueño original, quien llama a un policía. Siguen luego las correrías que harán que todos caigan al lago salvo el hábil Charlot, que se las arregla para irse con la joven. Originalmente duró 20 minutos, pero en su versión restaurada se duplicaron los cuadros por segundo reduciéndolo a la mitad, 10 minutos.
A Bath House Beauty
Fatty's Son
Roscoe is a family man at the seaside, lumbered with a shrewish wife and an extremely annoying young son. He meets up with a charming young lady in a bathing costume, and the two of them break into a charming and delightful dance. Unfortunately, the bathing beauty has a husband with pistols...
Charlot, huesped ideal
Their Son
Charlot es el huésped preferido de la casa y congenia con la patrona, Minta Durfee (que en la realidad era la esposa de Roscoe Arbuckle). Al esposo de la patrona, Edgar Kennedy, esta situación no le hace feliz pero él también tiene lo suyo. Un show de sombras chinescas conducido por el hijo de la pareja embaraza a todos y produce un alboroto.
The Chicken Chaser
The Chicken Chaser is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Charles Avery.
Carreras de autos para niños
The Boy (uncredited)
Charlot interfiere en el desarrollo de una carrera de autos infantiles que tiene lugar en Venice Beach. Un camarógrafo está filmando la carrera, pero él insiste en aparecer en la película, causando una gran frustración entre el público y los participantes.
Little Billy's Triumph
Little Billy wants to buy some ice cream with the dime his mother gave him, but the neighborhood bullies have other plans for that dime.
His Sister's Kids
2nd Nephew
His Sister's Kids is a 1913 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Minta Durfee.
Mabel's Dramatic Career
A young man falls in love with his mother's kitchen maid, Mabel. But his mother objects strongly, and arranges for him to meet another young woman whom she considers more suitable. Mabel confronts the young woman, and is dismissed from her position. Later, when the young man learns about the new career that Mabel has found, he begins to act in an agitated and unpredictable manner.
The Riot
One of the Neighborhood Kids
When a girl delivering expensive garments loses them to some Irish shanty town kids, her boss, a Jewish clothier, is livid and a fight breaks out. Soon the melee spreads to the whole neighborhood with brick throwing merging into bomb throwing, with the sides on clearly ethnic lines.