Phyllis Allen
Nacimiento : 1861-11-25, Staten Island, New York, USA
Muerte : 1938-03-26
Phyllis Allen (November 25, 1861 – March 26, 1938) was an American vaudeville and silent screen comedian who worked with Charles Chaplin, Mabel Normand, Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle, and Mack Sennett during a film career spanning 74 movies in the decade between 1913 and 1923. Given her rotund size, she was quite similar in appearance to fellow screen comedian Marie Dressler.
His Wife
Charlot trabaja de peón. Cuando llega tarde, le regala al capataz un lirio blanco para que le perdone, pero es tan lento en su trabajo que el capataz lo traslada a la sección de albañilería, donde trabaja tan deprisa que los compañeros no pueden seguirlo. Cuando la hija del capataz aparece, Charlot pierde la cabeza...
Minnie Fish
Thirty years in the future (when women are primary income-earners and men are stay-at-home housekeepers) Miss Hap is elected Fire Chief and leads her crew of firefighters to rescue a couple trapped in a burning building.
Governess (uncredited)
El audaz convicto no. 23, conocido como la Anguila, se escapa de prisión y, después de burlar a sus ineptos perseguidores, salva la vida de tres personas en peligro: una hermosa chica, su madre y un pretendiente molesto, solo para agotarse y acabar casi ahogado. Una vez que ha recuperado sus fuerzas en casa del juez Brown, participa en una fiesta de clase alta donde compite con el pretendiente por el favor de la encantadora señorita Brown. Pero los guardias de la prisión siguen tras él.
Después de pasar el sombrero y recoger las donaciones destinadas a los músicos alemanes de la calle, Charlie se dirige al campo. Allí encuentra y rescata a una niña de una banda de gitanos. La chica se enamora de un artista cuyo retrato ve más tarde la madre de la niña en una tienda. La madre y el artista llegan en un automóvil con chófer y ofrecen dinero a Charlie por sus servicios, dinero que él rechaza.
Jack's Real Wife
The star of a film attends a public showing.
A pugnacious guest
A waiter tricks his way into command of a sub in order to rob a ship carrying gold bullion.
Fatty's Mother-In-Law
Fickle Fatty's Fall is a 1914 Comedy short.
Shoe Customer
Mr. and Mrs. Gussle get up to some hijinks in this Keystone comedy.
Gussle's Wife
Mr. and Mrs. Gussle get up to some hijinks in this Keystone comedy.
Fatty's Mother
Four bad men have kidnapped Fatty's girlfriend and plan to kill her. Fatty's dog knows where she is, but Fatty doesn't and he was crying. However the dog came back to get Fatty, and they and the Keystone Cops went to rescue her.
Mrs. Gussle
Gussle Rivals Jonah is a silent comedy
Gussle's Wife
Gussle (Syd Chaplin) comes home with a cute little dog but doesn't want the wife to see it--leading up to a rather funny bit you'll have to see for yourself. The marriage, at first, seems ideal and Gussle and his wife seem devoted. However, it soon seems that this is an act for Syd and it's obvious he's quite the philanderer. Eventually, the wife catches on and sets out to catch him--leading to a rather cute and unexpected ending.
Mrs. Gussle
The disgraceful Reggie Gussle spends a day at the park with his hated wife while trying to steal a lovely girl from her boyfriend.
Audience Member (uncredited)
A happy young couple become engaged, and soon afterwards they are married. But after their marriage, the husband begins to stay out carousing with his friends, leaving his wife at home with her mother. Then, when the three of them go to the opera together, the husband spots one of his friends in another box. Soon the domestic difficulties reach their peak.
The Wife
Featuring Charlie Chaplin's half-brother as The Husband, Phyllis Allen as The Wife, Slim Summerville as The Boy Friend, Cecile Arnold as The Girl Friend, and Mack Swain as The Bartender.
The Bride
Fatty is a farm hand at Mabel's father's place. He and Mabel love each other, but dad wants to marry Mabel off to the landowner's son in exchange for tearing up the mortgage. When Mabel and Fatty find out dad's plan, they elope, pursued by dad, the hopeful suitor, and the local constables.
Fatty's Mother
'Fatty' is looking forward to attending a formal occasion. But in order to go, he has to be properly dressed, and he encounters unexpected difficulties in getting himself ready.
Mrs. Sniffels
Charlot y su esposa están paseando por el parque, encuentran a Ambrose y su esposa y Charlot comienza a cortejar a esta última desencadenando el conflicto.
Amorous Dancing Cafe Patron (uncredited)
A city slicker tries to woo a country girl while her boyfriend fixes his tire.
Prison Matron / Restaurant Patron / Guest (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
Ambrose's Wife
Charlot y su amigo Ambrose se encuentran en el restaurante, y accidentalmente cada uno se lleva el abrigo del otro
Flirty Woman
Mabel y su novio van al autodromo y Charlot toma su lugar para ingresar sin pagar en tanto el novio y un amigo de Charlot son expulsados por un policía.
Charlot y Chester Conklin trabajan como camareros en un restaurante en el cual los cocineros se declaran en huelga y son además rivales en el amor. Cuando ellos se ven forzados a hacer la tarea de pasteleros, los huelguistas ponen dinamita en masa, con un resultado explosivo.
Minta's Mother
Zip, the Dodger
The Proprietor's Wife
Fatty experiences several reverses of fortunes in this boarding house story. He is first ejected for failure to pay his board. He then fixes up a postal card offering himself a handsome salary and is warmly welcomed back by the girl's parents. When the truth becomes known that he is really a sideshow barker, they again turn on him.
The Girl's Mother
A Roscoe 'Fatty' Arbuckle Keystone comedy.
Mrs. Full
Dos borrachos, para escapar de los reproches de sus esposas, entran en un restaurante y la montan. Sus cónyuges, sin embargo, descubren su paradero y deben volver a huir.
Lena Fat
Trabajando en un teatro Charlot tiene problemas y conflictos con el equipaje de los actores y la distribución de los camarines. Una vez más Charlot aparece como perezoso, mentiroso y hasta innoble, galante, mal compañero y termina con los alborotos de siempre.
Fatty's Friend's Wife
Fatty's Finish is a 1914 comedy short.
Fatty and the Heiress is a 1914 silent Comedy
The Other Woman (unconfirmed)
Chaplin representa el personaje de una mujer de carácter fuerte que encuentra a su marido cortejando una mujer. En su furia la mujer irrumpe en un set de filmación derribando al director de la película, encarnado por Mack Sennett y a un policía representado por Billy Gilbert hasta que finalmente el esposo empuja a su mujer de un muelle haciéndola caer al agua.
Cabaret Dancer (uncredited)
Mientras atraviesa un parque Charlot encuentra a Mabel, una joven de alta sociedad, y a dos malandrines que la están asaltando y logra ponerlos en fuga. En agradecimiento la joven lo invita a una fiesta. Charlot, que era camarero en un café de un barrio pobre, se hace pasar por un conde y concurre a la misma. Sus barrabasadas y su vulgaridad llaman la atención pero no lo delatan. Charlot regresa a su trabajo y justo allí concurre el festejante de Mabel, y rival de Charlot, con algunos amigos en tren de visitar un lugar para ellos desusado. Finaliza la película con un alboroto final al ser descubierta su impostura.
Where Hazel Met the Villain is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Phyllis Allen.
Boarder (uncredited)
Charlot es el huésped preferido de la casa y congenia con la patrona, Minta Durfee (que en la realidad era la esposa de Roscoe Arbuckle). Al esposo de la patrona, Edgar Kennedy, esta situación no le hace feliz pero él también tiene lo suyo. Un show de sombras chinescas conducido por el hijo de la pareja embaraza a todos y produce un alboroto.
Woman Hanging Out Washing (uncredited)
Two criminals chase a plainclothes policeman who, while taking out his dog, witnesses their crime.
Wedding Guest
Rebecca's Wedding Day is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Billy Gilbert.
Fatty's Wife
Fatty induces wife to let him take a day off to go to the celebration at San Diego. He has a wonderful time, flirting with the girls, breaking up a parade, fighting the police force and falling into the fountain with him, escapes, and with the crowd after him, leaps into the river. Here he rescues a little boy and becomes a hero. He goes home to wife in a bedraggled condition, tells of rescue and is set upon a pedestal. Wife, as a reward, takes him to the movies at night and sees husband flirting and fighting in the fountain, where some enterprising cameraman caught him. That explaining, as she thought, the bedraggled state in which he arrived home, she turns and beats him all the way home.