Charles Bennett
Nacimiento : 1889-03-11, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand
Muerte : 1943-02-15
SPCA Driver (uncredited)
Grover y Wilbur deben encontrar un sustituto del caballo de O'Hara, muerto tras comer caramelos accidentalmente. El dúo encuentra a uno en un hipódromo y se lo llevan, ignorando que se trata de un campeón de carreras llamado "Galleta de Té".
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia inglesa, que vive en un pequeño pueblo, logra sobrevivir a los bombardeos alemanes. La madre se encuentra al frente de la casa esperando que su hijo y su marido regresen de la guerra.
Un cazador inglés que está de vacaciones en Baviera, de pronto, ve en lo alto de una colina la figura de Adolf Hitler. Convencido de que su desapariciión evitaría millones de muertos, dispara su rifle, pero se olvida de introducir una bala en la recámara. A partir de entonces será implacablemente perseguido por agentes de la Gestapo.
Entertainer (uncredited)
Un importante financiero estadounidense, Charles Foster Kane, dueño de una importante cadena de periódicos, de una red de emisoras, de dos sindicatos y de una inimaginable colección de obras de arte, muere en su fabuloso castillo de estilo oriental, Xanadú. La última palabra que pronuncia al expirar es Rosebud. El país entero y la prensa en general quedan intrigados por saber el significado de esta palabra. Para descubrirlo, un grupo de periodistas se pone a investigar.
A London artist struggles to complete one last painting before going blind.
Telegraph Operator (uncredited)
Cutter, MacChesney y Ballantine, tres sargentos del ejército británico unidos por una estrecha amistad, son enviados a una zona montañosa de la India para averiguar las causas de la extraña interrupción de las comunicaciones telegráficas. Los tres vivirán, en compañía de Gunga Din, su porteador de agua, diversas aventuras que les enfrentarán a los temibles tags, una secta de adoradores de la diosa Kali. Descubrirán, además, un templo escondido, serán apresados y torturados y salvarán al ejército de caer en una trampa mortal.
Steward (uncredited)
A British butler goes to America duped by mobsters into believing he is the heir to a fortune.
Quartet Member (uncredited)
Nora Paige (Eleanor Powell) llega a Nueva York con el propósito de conquistar Broadway cuanto antes. Es bailarina, aunque por ahora no la conoce nadie.
Stewart (Uncredited)
Kay, una aburrida chica de la alta sociedad neoyorquina hace un viaje a Grecia donde conoce a Terry, un arqueólogo. Kay flirtea con Terry y él acaba enamorándose de Kay. La joven se vuelve a Nueva York, seguida de cerca por Terry, que tiene la intención de proponerle matrimonio. Cuando llega a la gran ciudad se da cuenta de que el estilo de vida de Kay no es para él, y decide irse, pero la abuela de la chica le convence para que se quede. A pocos días de la boda, la pareja se pelea...
Pirate of the Spanish Main
Jim Hawkins es un joven inglés que trabaja en la posada de sus padres. Un día llega al establecimiento un viejo bucanero llamado Billy Bones, que trae consigo un cofre con el mapa de “La isla del Tesoro”, que revela el paradero de las formidables riquezas acumuladas por el Capitán Flint. Los piratas de la tripulación de Flint, entre ellos Perro Negro, están buscando el mapa. Pero antes de conseguirlo, el joven Jim, aprovechando que Billy Bones muere, roba el cofre y escapa. Jim pide ayuda al doctor Livesey y al squire Trelawney, y deciden ir a la isla a por el tesoro. Tras adquirir la fragata “La Hispaniola”, la equipa con todo lo necesario y contrata a una tripulación. Entre ellos está Long John Silver, que embarca como cocinero, pero que en realidad es un capitán pirata que, tras ganarse la confianza del squire, consigue que un grupo de marineros a sus órdenes componga la tripulación.
Hand wrestler
Historia sobre el consumo de la heroína en un grupo de jóvenes.
William Pitt
The story of a family caught up in the American Revolutionary War.
Mr. Isaacson
Hilda lives in a tenement apartment with her aunt, Mrs. Brady, and her crippled younger brother Micky, and works in a department store where her boss lusts after her. But happiness comes into her life when she meets artist Emery Gray. Gray's wife deserted him long ago, leaving him with their daughter Susan (Mary Jane Irving) to raise. While Susan and Micky become playmates, Hilda restores Gray's faith in womanhood.
Daniel Robin has become mixed up with a band of criminals known as "the 13," and is shot when he refuses to do their bidding. His daughter Ruth, brought home from boarding school, reaches his bedside before he expires. He tells her that she will be given thirteen keys. Instructions will be provided with each key and, if she follows the instructions, she will eventually fully learn of her birthright. Many adventures then follow as Ruth attempts to solve the puzzle of each key and establish her true birthright.
Donald Thompson
Salesman Warren Kent develops the idea of "The Unending Courtship" and manages to convince his new wife Betty of his theory, which entails their living separately and only meeting on Wednesday evenings, as they did while they were engaged. Warren's boss, however, who was never enamored of the idea, fires him when he bungles an account and loses the company a large order. On top of that, through a series of misunderstandings Warren comes to believe that his wife is pregnant and his mother-in-law believes that Warren is having an affair with Betty's friend Ethel. Things go downhill for Warren from there.
Elderly Man
Bobby Vernon is fooled into a mock bigamist gag and chaos assures.
John Bennett
Gloria Dawn lives down the hall from her sweetheart, Bobbie Knight. The dishonest Henry Black is Gloria's guardian, and he is also in charge of Bobbie's inheritance. The scheming guardian and his sister have been spending Bobbie's money, and they hope to have the sister marry Bobbie so that they can keep control over his money.
Donald Banks
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
The Art Student's Husband
Married ice man Charles Murray is "Cursed by His Beauty" (1914) when he becomes a model for a female artist.
The Boss - Harry's Dad
Mabel is pursued by her boss, despite being engaged to his son, in this gender-bending comedy of errors and mistaken identities.
Mabel's Employer
Mabel meets a masher in the park while en route to get a position as maid. Later she finds the man was the husband of her new mistress. There is an exciting chase scene, and the picture winds up with everyone in the lake.
Seaman on Park Bench (uncredited)
El tema de los idilios en el parque ya tratado en películas anteriores, con sus cortejos, alegrías y caídas en el lago. Alboroto con un policía y con un marino que había aparecido en la película The Face on the Bar Room Floor.
Un pintor, abrumado por la pérdida de la mujer que había estado cortejando termina en un bar donde pinta en el piso el rostro de su amada y relata su tragedia en una escena memorable. Cuando ve a la mujer acompañada por media docena de niños su pena disminuye.
George Ham, Lena's Husband
Trabajando en un teatro Charlot tiene problemas y conflictos con el equipaje de los actores y la distribución de los camarines. Una vez más Charlot aparece como perezoso, mentiroso y hasta innoble, galante, mal compañero y termina con los alborotos de siempre.
Spectator (uncredited)
Mabel trata de vender salchichas en el autódromo, pero no está haciendo muy buena tarea. Deja un momento la caja con las salchichas y Charlot la encuentra y las reparte a los hambrientos espectadores. Mabel busca la caja y cuando se da cuenta de lo sucedido llama a la policía y sobreviene el caos.
Guido - Maries Father
Terrorized by Guido, her drunken and brutal father, Marie receives assurance from her dying mother that the Madonna will always protect her. The father reels in just after the mother has expired, too drunk to realize the woman is dead, and finding the whiskey bottle empty, abuses the child. Marie appeals to the image of the Madonna and Guido, in a frenzy of rage, smashes it on the floor. Horrified at the sacrilege, Marie screams.
Jim Hartwell, Mary's Father
A short Western in which a cowboy is rescued from a lynching in the nick of time.
The Doctor
With a fondness for gambling, Jim Saunders is given to neglecting his wife and child. One night during his absence at the saloon, Miguel Gomez, a Mexican outlaw, for whom $1,000 reward is offered, enters Jim's home and demands food of Mrs. Saunders.
Dr. Winton - The Sheriff Doctor
A short Western. When his child dies, Dick is at wit’s end. He begins to drink, and shoots someone dead. As the sheriff is chasing him, Dick comes across a dead Indian woman with her child. He cares for the child, and warns the sheriff. When they find him, the child has already died, and they take him away.
The Sheriff
A drama in which a man buys a horse in order to get medicine for his wife, but is then arrested because he is riding a stolen horse.
Bannister - Nell's Father
A romantic Western in which a notorious criminal who is in love with the fiancée of the sheriff digs his own sentence by reuniting the sheriff, whom he has wounded, with the girl.
Ann's Uncle, Owner of the Ranch
A short western about a cowardly sheriff who leaves it up to his wife to catch a murderer, and then takes the credit himself.
A Pioneer
Twenty or twenty-five years ago, when the unoccupied government lands were released for settlement, everyone who registered their names was given a fair and free chance to secure one of the sections of land, which was apportioned off in sections. The settlers were drawn up in a long line at a certain distance from the lands opened up, some of them on horseback and others in vehicles of all descriptions. At the firing of a cannon, everybody made a rush for the land. Harvey Mattson and his wife Annie, with their child, emigrate form Missouri in a prairie schooner. On their way they hear of the opening up of the Cherokee Strip. They hasten there and Harvey pitches camp, preparatory to entering his name. Their child is taken sick. Harvey goes for the doctor, and during his absence. Bill Slick, a good-looking ruffian, tries to force his attentions upon Annie. She repulses him. Harvey and the doctor arrive, and he "settles" Bill without ceremony. The ruffian, enraged, leaves.