Gene Marsh


Lonesome Luke, Circus King
Luke opens a circus, but when local officials discover that his side-show attractions are fakes, trouble ensues.
Luke Foils the Villain
Luke's courting of Maizie Nut is interrupted by a villain.
Luke, the Candy Cut-Up
Working as a pastry chef, Luke steals a watch from a customer, which results in a wild police chase throughout the store.
Lonesome Luke Lolls in Luxury
Luke, stranded on a desert island, becomes chief of the natives. When he pursues the affections of a pretty white girl, he runs afoul of her sweetheart and has to swim back home.
Luke Lugs Luggage
As a baggage handler at a terminal, Luke is led on a merry chase by a billy goat.
Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary
Luke attempts to sell books to a businessman and his wife.
Lonesome Luke, Social Gangster
Luke, a street tramp, is taken to a dance contest by a pretty millionairess, but when he is ejected, he returns with a gun and wreaks havoc.
Peculiar Patients' Pranks
In pursuit of a pretty miss, Luke gets admitted to a hospital.
Ruses, Rhymes and Roughnecks
This offering tells the tale of one, Oscar Weeban, a fellow deeply in love with a certain Maisie. He has promised to take her to the Garbage Gentlemen's Rally, that annual society event of the small town in which it is their fortune to reside, and she sends him a note to this effect. He is a rank outsider, but manages to inject himself into the spirit of the affair and enters into the sport of the occasion with a vim. It is at this event that the ashes throwing contest is held every year, and garbage men from all sections, trained to the minute, flock to the party to compete. The contest is at its height and one of the experts is trying for a world's record when Oscar crosses the range. Of course, he and Maisie manage to get in the way of the winning throw and spoil the record which is about to be made.
A Foozle at the Tee Party
Luke lifts a wallet from a golfer and thereby gains entry to a golf course. Mayhem ensues.
Ragtime Snap Shots
Lucas and Larkin, his running mate, after looking for a job for some time, finally land one in a photographer's shop and immediately start to take possession of the place. They rule supreme in their own inimitable way until a bespectacled college graduate arrives to have his diploma, and incidentally himself, photographed.
Great While It Lasted
Luke lives the life of a millionaire until it is discovered that a mistake has been made and his inheritance belongs to someone else.
Tinkering with Trouble
Sourball Joe gets the "can" for sassing the tenants, and Easy Otis supplants him. But the latter does not know an awful lot of the art of "janitoring" and soon gets into many and various jams with the people upstairs.
Giving Them Fits
Vamp Customer
Lonesome Luke, working in a shoe store, has difficulty keeping his mind on business whenever a pretty girl is on the scene.
Fresh from the Farm
Dolly Smawl
Farm youth goes to college, pursues the pretty co-eds and joins a fraternity.
Some Baby
Luke dreams of the good times that he will have with a young girl with the expense money he his given.
A Mixup for Mazie
Mazie Orpe
Maisie Orpe is a dispenser of victuals in a second rate "beanery," and is the light of the lives of several of the town "swells". But Luke de Fluke, an all-round gay lad, and Shorty Magee, the local tough nut, seem to lead the field in Maisie's blue orbs.
Spit-ball Sadie
A young man promises his girl that he will get Spitball Sadie, a renowned female pitcher, for her all-girl baseball team. When he is unable to get Sadie to come, he dresses up as her and takes her place on the team.
Close-Cropped Clippings
Punctual Pete prepares the "Shaved in Silence" shop for the day's business. He is as handy as a man with five thumbs. Gertie, almost a soubrette, looking for a job, decides that she is willing to try anything once. Seeing a sign in the barber shop window advertising for a lady barber she beats it home and brushes up on the tonsorial art.
Pete, the Pedal Polisher
Pete is a discontented hostler. Hostlers are always discontented but Pete is a little more so. In fact, he is so sick and tired of his job as the mule's chambermaid that he is fast becoming desperate. He gives Maud her morning "Massage" and is interrupted by his "steady," a queen of the avenue, and a movie fan. She "coaches" and "wheedles" him in the naturally gentle, persuasive way of her class, in this wise: "Aw, loosen up. Separate. Give yourself another frisk," etc. As Pete finds himself unable to supply his "best" with the wherewithal to attend a movie, his discouragement becomes despair.
Charlot, prehistórico
Situada en la Edad de Piedra, el Rey Low-Brow gobierna el lugar y tiene un harén de esposas. Weakchin (Chaplin) llega al lugar (donde cada hombre tiene un centenar de esposas) y se enamora de la esposa favorita del rey. Charlot pelea con el rey y lo arroja por un acantilado. Como se lo presume muerto, Charlot se corona rey y comienza a disfrutar de su favorita con todo el harén a sus pies.
Charlot tiene una mujer celosa
Girl in Park (uncredited)
Charlot y su esposa están paseando por el parque, encuentran a Ambrose y su esposa y Charlot comienza a cortejar a esta última desencadenando el conflicto.
El romance de Charlot
Maid / Waitress (uncredited)
Charlot es un timador de ciudad que induce a Tillie a robar los ahorros de su padre y huya con él. Una vez ha llegado a la ciudad, Charlot se apropia del dinero y vuelve junto a Mabel, su primer amor y pareja del delito. Esta considerado como el primer largometraje del genero de comedia de la historia.
Charlot, artista de cine
Actress (uncredited)
La impostura permite a Chaplin contrastar en las películas al impostor con el personaje de modos vulgares que había ido creando. Este impostor de maneras elegantes y dignas que parece ir suplantando -afortunadamente- al anterior personaje por un nuevo Charlot.
Charlot, falso dentista
Patient (uncredited)
Chaplin es el ayudante de un dentista con muchos pacientes. Uno de esos pacientas cae rendido ante al gas anestésico, al que el ayudante cura con un golpe en la cabeza El dentista manda a Chaplin a rellenar una prescripción, en el camino tiene un lió con un hombre gordo esperado afuera de la farmacia, se produce una persecución en que Chaplin por casualidad le quita la falda a la mujer del dentista, que pasaba por allí. Llaman al dentista avisándole que su esposa ha tenido un accidente, y al regresar Chaplin usurpa su puesto. Elige a la paciente más bonita, se sienta encima, le toma la nariz con las pinzas y la besa en la boca. Entra un nuevo paciente, pero también está esperando aquel tipo con que se había liado. Se persiguen, corren, entra todo el mundo y la casa se convierte en un caos, concluyendo todos o golpeados o desmayados.