Syd Chaplin

Syd Chaplin

Nacimiento : 1885-03-16,

Muerte : 1965-04-15


Syd Chaplin
Syd Chaplin


Charlie Chaplin: The Long Year at Essanay
Archive footage
Short documentary about Chaplin's year at Essanay. Clips from Chaplin films but also from other Essanay films.
Sydney, the Other Chaplin
Self (archive footage)
Since his debut in 1914, Charles Chaplin has never ceased to amaze. But surely, Charles would have never reached such heights if it weren't for his big brother Sydney, an improbable character of the shadows with a fiction-like destiny.
Cómo Chaplin se convirtió en Charlot
Self (archive footage)
Una mirada retrospectiva a la vida y carrera de Charlie Chaplin, desde su dura infancia y su éxito en el music hall en Inglaterra hasta sus primeros días en Hollywood y el desarrollo de su enormemente popular personaje, el Pequeño Vagabundo, también llamado Charlot.
The Tramp and the Dictator
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
A look at the parallel lives of Charlie Chaplin and Adolf Hitler and how they crossed with the creation of the film “The Great Dictator,” released in 1940.
Charlie Chaplin: una vida de vagabundo
Self (archive footage)
Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) alcanzó fama mundial con sus películas mudas y está considerado uno de los grandes genios de la historia del cine.
Chaplin's Goliath
Self (archive footage)
A film about the tall actor who was most famous for playing the quintessential villain for Charlie Chaplin's Tramp character.
Hollywood My Home Town
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
La revista de Chaplin
Various (archive footage)
Charles Chaplin añade nueva música y narración a tres de sus comedias mudas: "Vida de perro", "Armas al hombro" y "El peregrino".
A Little Bit of Fluff
Syd Chaplin And Betty Balfour star in this British International Picture.
The Missing Link
Arthur Wells
Arthur Wells, an impoverished poet, impersonates a big-game hunter in an attempt to locate the missing link. However, the poet has an aversion to animals...tame or wild.
El fresco de las trincheras
Private William 'Old Bill' Busby
El soldado William 'Old Bill' Busby (Syd Chaplin) es un veterano fumador de pipa con treinta años al servicio de su majestad y con bigote de morsa. Nos encontramos con él en las trincheras durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, haciendo todo lo posible para evitar las bombas y las balas y en espera del mejor momento para que pueda regresar a un entorno más tranquilo.
The Man on the Box
Bob Warburton
A wealthy young man disguises himself as a gardener to be near the woman he secretly loves. He discovers that the butler is an enemy spy who plans to steal military secrets, and has to find a way to stop him.
Charley's Aunt
Sir Fancourt Babberley (Babbs)
Charley Wyckham and Jack Chesney pressure fellow student Fancourt Babberly to pose as Charley's Brazilian Aunt Donna Lucia. Their purpose is to have a chaperone for their amorous visits with Amy and Kitty, niece and ward of crusty Stephen Spettigue. Complications begin when Fancourt, in drag, becomes the love object of old Spettigue and Sir Francis Chesney.
Hello, 'Frisco
Syd Chaplin
A comedy short directed by character Slim Summerville.
The Perfect Flapper
Dick Trayle
A 1924 film directed by John Francis Dillon.
El peregrino
Eloper / Train Conductor / Little Boy's Father
Charlot (Charles Chaplin) logra fugarse de la cárcel y en la huída roba los hábitos de un pastor, vestido de tal manera que al llegar a un pueblo los habitantes lo confunden con el párroco al que estaban esperando...
Día de paga
Charlie's Friend and Lunch Cart Owner
Charlot trabaja de peón. Cuando llega tarde, le regala al capataz un lirio blanco para que le perdone, pero es tan lento en su trabajo que el capataz lo traslada a la sección de albañilería, donde trabaja tan deprisa que los compañeros no pueden seguirlo. Cuando la hija del capataz aparece, Charlot pierde la cabeza...
King, Queen, Joker
King, Queen, Joker is a 1921 silent feature farce written and directed by Sydney Chaplin, Charlie's older brother. The picture was produced by Famous Players-Lasky and distributed through Paramount Pictures. The film was shot in England, France and the United States. Less than a reel of this film, the barbershop sequence, survives at the British Film Institute. It was included in the 2011 Criterion DVD special two disc edition release of The Great Dictator.
¡Armas al hombro!
Charlie's Comrade / The Kaiser
Un soldado americano, destinado en Francia durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, emprende una arriesgada misión detrás de las líneas enemigas y se convierte en un héroe.
El bono
The Kaiser
La película aprovecha el juego de palabras que resulta del doble significado de la palabra inglesa "bond", lazo, pero también bono, el título que documenta un crédito. La trama consiste en una serie de escenas ilustrando en forma humorista las diversas clases de lazos, como los de la amistad, el matrimonio, y, el más importante, el Liberty Bond (Bono de la Libertad), esto es, el bono emitido por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos para ayudar a financiar los gastos de guerra. La película termina con el K.O. al Káiser que hace Chaplin literalmente.
Vida de perro
Lunchwagon Owner
Charlot se encuentra sin trabajo y sus perspectivas no son nada halagüeñas cuando salva a una perra errante llamada Scraps del ataque de otros perros. Ambos se hacen inseparables y persiguen un mismo objetivo: conseguir comida.
A Submarine Pirate
A waiter tricks his way into command of a sub in order to rob a ship carrying gold bullion.
A Submarine Pirate
Ambitious waiter
A waiter tricks his way into command of a sub in order to rob a ship carrying gold bullion.
A Lover's Lost Control
Mr. and Mrs. Gussle get up to some hijinks in this Keystone comedy.
A Lover's Lost Control
Mr. and Mrs. Gussle get up to some hijinks in this Keystone comedy.
Gussle Tied to Trouble
Another of the fast and furious slapstick comedies produced for Keystone that is long on speed and mugging and short on jokes. Gussle and his wife decide to go mountain climbing and shoot at each other in a not very interesting effort. Syd does not even manage his usual graceful surprise movements in this, but spends, like most of the cast, a lot of time falling down.
Gussle Tied to Trouble
Another of the fast and furious slapstick comedies produced for Keystone that is long on speed and mugging and short on jokes. Gussle and his wife decide to go mountain climbing and shoot at each other in a not very interesting effort. Syd does not even manage his usual graceful surprise movements in this, but spends, like most of the cast, a lot of time falling down.
Gussle's Backward Way
This film concerns the adventures of Gussle, played by Sydney Chaplin, in Big Bear Lake area of California. The picture opens with our hero riding a mule through a creek bed, when he is set upon by some robbers. Gussle outsmarts them by attempting to hand over his goods by stretching across the stream, but dropping the goods into the water thereby making the robber also fall in. He makes his way to an inn and recounts his experiences to the other guests and then they all go out and spend time playing in the snow. Some trick photography is used to make it appear that Gussle is making a mule walk backwards.
Gussle's Backward Way
This film concerns the adventures of Gussle, played by Sydney Chaplin, in Big Bear Lake area of California. The picture opens with our hero riding a mule through a creek bed, when he is set upon by some robbers. Gussle outsmarts them by attempting to hand over his goods by stretching across the stream, but dropping the goods into the water thereby making the robber also fall in. He makes his way to an inn and recounts his experiences to the other guests and then they all go out and spend time playing in the snow. Some trick photography is used to make it appear that Gussle is making a mule walk backwards.
Gussle Rivals Jonah
Gussle Rivals Jonah is a silent comedy
Gussle Rivals Jonah
Gussle Rivals Jonah is a silent comedy
Gussle's Wayward Path
Gussle (Syd Chaplin) comes home with a cute little dog but doesn't want the wife to see it--leading up to a rather funny bit you'll have to see for yourself. The marriage, at first, seems ideal and Gussle and his wife seem devoted. However, it soon seems that this is an act for Syd and it's obvious he's quite the philanderer. Eventually, the wife catches on and sets out to catch him--leading to a rather cute and unexpected ending.
Gussle's Wayward Path
Gussle (Syd Chaplin) comes home with a cute little dog but doesn't want the wife to see it--leading up to a rather funny bit you'll have to see for yourself. The marriage, at first, seems ideal and Gussle and his wife seem devoted. However, it soon seems that this is an act for Syd and it's obvious he's quite the philanderer. Eventually, the wife catches on and sets out to catch him--leading to a rather cute and unexpected ending.
Gussle's Day of Rest
Mr. Gussle
The disgraceful Reggie Gussle spends a day at the park with his hated wife while trying to steal a lovely girl from her boyfriend.
Caught in a Park
The Husband
Featuring Charlie Chaplin's half-brother as The Husband, Phyllis Allen as The Wife, Slim Summerville as The Boy Friend, Cecile Arnold as The Girl Friend, and Mack Swain as The Bartender.
Gussle, the Golfer
Reggie Gussle
The ever-disreputable Reggie Gussle, mistreating his caddy and generally making an ass of himself on the golf course, receives a well-deserved golf ball to the noggin, temporarily rendering him disoriented. The offending golfer, Ambrose, and his wife feel terrible about the erring ball; but if they knew what Gussle was capable of, they'd have left him lying on the green. Later, at his social club, Gussle gets thrown out of a card game for cheating. Ambrose, ignorant of the exiting Gussle's dishonesty, greets him warmly before joining the game himself. Gussle suddenly has an idea that will give him revenge on the card players and get rid of Ambrose so that Gussle can make his moves on his gullible friend's beautiful wife.
Fatty's Wine Party
The Waiter
Fatty's Wine Party is a 1914 American short comedy film directed by and starring Fatty Arbuckle.
Charlot, panadero
Charlot y Chester Conklin trabajan como camareros en un restaurante en el cual los cocineros se declaran en huelga y son además rivales en el amor. Cuando ellos se ven forzados a hacer la tarea de pasteleros, los huelguistas ponen dinamita en masa, con un resultado explosivo.