Edmond Richard
Nacimiento : 1927-01-06, Paris, France
Muerte : 2018-06-05
A documentary about the making of Luis Buñuel's 1977 film THAT OBSCURE OBJECT OF DESIRE, featuring interviews with the assistant director and cinematographer.
Director of Photography
A dutch family of seven persons (grand-father, grand-mother, father, mother, son, sister, and wife of the son go to Paris to assist at a concert of their mayor. The film tell the incredible story of this family during the week end in Paris. Only four members of the family will return to home.
Director of Photography
A pedophile network, to which belong notables of a French provincial town is about to be discovered by a young woman who herself lost her son, a child survivor of one of these horror festivals, and an anarchist gunsmith.
Director of Photography
Maurice works at the police service for foreigners. He is single, loves Spanish music and spends all his free time in a Hispanic cabaret.
Director of Photography
From his locksmith's shop, a simple guy dreams of becoming a crime boss, at the wheel of his Cadillac surrounded by blonde bimbos. He starts small, assassinating petty criminals. Gaining renown in the newspapers as "Le Furet" (The Ferret), he soon sets his sights higher. The police and organized crime both take up the chase.
Director of Photography
A secret society, somewhere in France, is responsible for the major unsolved murder mysteries throughout history (such as Henri IV, Lincoln, Kennedy, John-Paul I)...
Director of Photography
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
Director of Photography
Having first lost his wife then his job as a tweed tailor, Alex Ponttin has devised a novel way to keep himself in touch with society. He admits himself into people's homes, by pretending to be a relative or an official, and persuading his victims to give him a night's free board: He finds at first a lunch at the horrible couple Dumont, where a thief follows him for a robbery. Alex spent an evening in front of TV at Marie, mother of seven children. He runs from Marie to find an evening and a new bed at the home of charming but shy lesbian Caroline and her funny lover Gloria. To save her inheritance, Caroline - accused for her homosexuality by her horrible sister Catherine - tells her aunt Amélie, that Gloria is her secretary and Alex her lover. So Alex has to present himself nude in Caroline's bed. He saves Carolines inheritance. The police officers investigating the case are so terminally stupid that Alex has little chance of being arrested.
Director of Photography
Welles recrea su peculiar visión de España a través de los ojos de Don Quijote y Sancho, a los que hace recorrer la España de los sanfermines, las fiestas de moros y cristianos, la Semana Santa, etc. Welles murió sin terminar la película. Su amigo el director Jess Franco se encargó del montaje, siguiendo las indicaciones que dejó escritas el propio Welles. Antes se ocupó de buscar materiales que estaban diseminados por medio mundo.
Mientras en Turquía se lleva a cabo el juicio contra Soghomon Tehlirian por el asesinato del ministro del interior Talaat Pacha, el barco en el que viajaba la familia Zakarian, con otros cientos de exiliados, llega a Marsella donde empezarán una nueva vida. Sus tropiezos, sus dificultades para establecerse con dignidad y los ingentes esfuerzos de Hagop Zakarian (Omar Sharif), su esposa Araxi (Claudia Cardinale) y dos comprometidas tías, para sacar adelante al pequeño Azad, es lo que se verá en esta primera parte que termina con "588 Rue Paradis".
Director of Photography
El loco doctor Enger está obsesionado con su plan para construir un hospital para curar a los niños ciegos, tras una matanza y secuestro juega con la policía durante su persecución.
Director of Photography
Russian spy boss in Geneva spends a night interrogating two spies to see who is a traitor.
Director of Photography
Michel, a referee has to suffer the consequences of having whistled a penalty against a team which is supported by football hooligans.
Director of Photography
The story of Jean Valjean, a Frenchman convicted of minor crimes, who is hounded for years by an unforgiving and unrelenting police inspector, Javert.
Nora and Jock arrive in the strange village of Litan during the Festival of the Dead.
Director of Photography
Le Glaude y Le Bombé, dos granjeros cascarrabias, son vecinos en una zona rural. Una noche bajo las estrellas, se tiran un pedo, y un extraterrestre lo recibe como una llamada y les baja a visitar. Con el tiempo volverá, ya que se hace amigo de Le Glaude, pero sobre todo porque le encanta la sopa de col.
Director of Photography
Harpagon, avaro e irascible, es víctima de su amor desmesurado por su cofrecito de luises de oro. Para conservarlo sólo para él, debe aceptar que su hijo se case con una mujer sin dinero y su hija con su mayordomo.
Director of Photography
Durante un viaje en tren, de Sevilla a Madrid, el otoñal caballero Mathieu cuenta a sus compañeros de vagón la historia de sus infortunios amorosos con la bailarina Conchita. A partir de su primer encuentro, Conchita juega con la obsesión de Mathieu, haciéndolo pasar del deseo a la frustración y del amor al odio más furibundo
Described by its director as "a film about emotional dissipation" among Americans living in France.
Zuhtu, a nosy hawker who sells meatballs, one night finds a young girl escaping from her cruel relatives. He intends to help the girl but this costs him too much.
Director of Photography
One morning, the rector of a small French village comes across a young man, lying unclothed and unconscious on a deserted beach. Intrigued, the rector has the young man carried back to his home. When he awakes the stranger calmly identifies himself as Jean, an angel who has just arrived on Earth. Naturally, the rector doesn’t believe this, but decides to humour the young man. At first, Jean’s arrival in the village causes no upset. He is a harmless soul, full of good intentions and capable of only the kindest deeds. But then the villagers grow wary of him, and this wariness turns to outright hostility when Jean unwittingly causes an accident...
Director of Photography
Serie de viñetas entrelazadas por un personaje o una situación que conecta una historia con la siguiente. Unos soldados franceses entran a la catedral de Toledo durante la invasión napoleónica. Un capitán besa la estatua de una mujer y destruye la de un hombre. En la época actual, un matrimonio se escandaliza con unas postales que muestran monumentos de París. Un hombre ve pasar unos animales por su cuarto. En una escuela de policías, un gendarme dicta una lección sobre las distintas costumbres antropológicas. Un asesino es dejado en libertad después de matar a 18 personas. Una multitud furiosa asalta un zoológico gritando lemas de la resistencia anti-napoleónica, mientras un avestruz mira directamente al espectador.
Tras escapar de los gitanos que lo amenazan, Tony se refugia en Montreal, donde es testigo de un ajuste de cuentas entre mafiosos. Al principio éstos intentan eliminarlo, pero, al final, acaban aceptándolo en su banda. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Don Rafael Costa, embajador de Miranda, y el matrimonio Thévenot están invitados a cenar en casa del matrimonio Sénechal, pero a causa de un malentendido tienen que ir a un restaurante. Cuando llegan, no pueden cenar porque el dueño del lugar ha muerto. A partir de ese momento, las reuniones de este selecto grupo de burgueses se verán siempre interrumpidas por las circunstancias más extrañas, algunas reales y otras fruto de su imaginación.
Interpol investiga una serie de extraños asesinatos cuyas víctimas son traficantes y pornógrafos.
Director of Photography
Sex-Power is a sweet bit of candy-colored psychedelic fluff with an astringent dose of agitprop militancy in its chewy center. While most of the film is in English there is occasional French dialog without the benefit of English subtitles, but you hardly need to know French to get the gist of what is happening. This is the tale of a young Frenchman who arrives in Northern California looking to forget a lost love (Jane Birkin) and ends up encountering various forms of feminine power as embodied by Bernadette Lafonte as Salome and Catherine Marshall as “la fille moderne.” The film moves through space and time in an impressionistic, lysergic dreaminess.
Director of Photography
While escaping from prison to be with her lesbian friend, a 19-year-old girl breaks her ankle and is picked up by an ex-con, with whom she begins a passionate affair. She finally turns to prostitution and robbery to support herself.
Director of Photography
Manon is an amoral, free spirit who uses sex to surround herself in relatively luxurious surroundings.
Director of Photography
Película sobre la juventud de Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616), autor de “El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha.
Director of Photography
Guerra de los Cien Años (ss. XIV y XV). Enrique IV, primer monarca de la dinastía de los Lancaster, usurpó el trono, en 1399, arrebatándoselo a su primo Ricardo II. A su muerte, le sucede, con el nombre de Enrique V, el príncipe Hal, que reniega de Falstaff, su viejo compañero de juergas, y lo condena al exilio.
Serge follows Hélène in the crowded streets of Paris and manages to seduce her. Werther takes Sophie to her dentist, Raoul, who tries to seduce her too.
Director of Photography
Un hombre se despierta por la mañana, y se encuentra con que la policía ha entrado en su habitación y lo arresta, tras acusarlo de haber cometido un crimen.