Preston Blair

Nacimiento : 1908-10-24, Los Angeles, California, USA

Muerte : 1995-04-19


 American character animator, most noted for his work at Walt Disney Productions and the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer animation department.


Tex Avery Screwball Classics Volume 3
The third ring offers a whimsical glimpse into the future - or at least a future from the POV of the mid-20th century - with a plethora of zany postwar inventions. While none of the cartoons "of tomorrow" foresaw smartphones or DVD players, these far-fetched contraptions, gadgets, houses and farms, televisions, and various modes of transportation could only come from the madcap mind of Avery and his M-G-M crew. Uncut, restored and remastered in High Definition for the first time, Tex Avery Screwball Classics Collection Volume 3 is another must-own collection from the master of hand-drawn mayhem.
Tex Avery Screwball Classics Volume 2
The third ring offers a whimsical glimpse into the future - or at least a future from the POV of the mid-20th century - with a plethora of zany postwar inventions. While none of the cartoons "of tomorrow" foresaw smartphones or DVD players, these far-fetched contraptions, gadgets, houses and farms, televisions, and various modes of transportation could only come from the madcap mind of Avery and his M-G-M crew. Uncut, restored and remastered in High Definition for the first time, Tex Avery Screwball Classics Collection Volume 2 is another must-own collection from the master of hand-drawn mayhem.
Tex Avery Screwball Classics Volume 1
At long last a beautifully restored and mastered selection of a number of cartoon king Tex Avery’s brilliant, innovative and (most of all) hilarious MGM shorts comes to Blu-ray via the Warner Archive, with the implied promise of more volumes to come. Some of his greatest cartoons are included, and many of these shorts have likely not looked and sounded so good since their original theatrical release. This is a virtual godsend for the director’s legion of fans, and a worthwhile introduction for those yet unfamiliar with Avery’s uniquely zany oeuvre.
Bad Luck Blackie
A kitten who is being tormented by a bulldog finds a savior in a black cat (from the "Black Cat Bad Luck Company") who merely has to cross the dog's path for something very unlucky to happen to the bully.
Goggle Fishing Bear
Barney has a dive mask and swim fins to help with his pursuit of fish. First, though, he needs to get the anchor set, despite an overly helpful little seal. The seal acts like an inept hunting dog, leading Barney to a cave with an angry lobster, then an unfortunate encounter with a shark.
The Bear and the Hare
Barney Bear hunts a snowshoe rabbit, whose white fur makes him impossible to see in the snow and whose wiliness makes him impossible to catch.
The Bear and the Bean
An anthropomorphic jumping bean from Mexico causes Barney Bear no end of trouble.
Uncle Tom's Cabaña
Uncle Tom tells the blood curdling story of how the evil Simon Legree tried to foreclose on Tom's simple log cabin. (Uncle Tom's Cabaña is a 1947 American animated short film directed by Tex Avery. The short is a parody of Uncle Tom's Cabin, and is Avery's second parody of the novel, the first being Uncle Tom's Bungalow in 1937 while at Warner Bros. Cartoons)
Henpecked Hoboes
George and Junior are two hungry bears who try to make a meal out of a not too bright barnyard chicken.
One Ham's Family
A hungry wolf with ham in the shape of a pig kid stands in for Santa Claus.
Who Killed Who?
A murder has occurred at Gruesome Gables, and the dog detective trying to find the killer has to deal with some suspicious suspects and a haunted house.
The Early Bird Dood It!
The early worm barely escapes the bird, again. In search of a way to get rid of the bird, he enlists the help of a cat, but the bird is too smart for the cat.
Blitz Wolf
Yet another variation on the Three Little Pigs theme, this time told as WW2 anti-German propaganda (the US had just entered the war), with the wolf as a thinly-disguised Hitler.
Con los primeros rayos del sol iluminando la pradera, un nuevo príncipe ha nacido en el bosque. Tan pronto como Bambi aprende a dar sus primeros pasos, comienza a jugar con sus nuevos amigos, Tambor, el conejo juguetón, y Flor, la tímida y adorable mofeta. Pero la diversión de patinar sobre el lago helado, de mordisquear las florecillas y de juguetear entre los árboles del bosque será sólo el principio de un largo aprendizaje.
La lavandería de perros de Donald
El pato Donald inventa una máquina automática para lavar perros, mientras el pobre Pluto duerme una siesta ajeno a lo que se le avecina...
Un anciano llamado Geppetto fabrica una marioneta de madera a la que llama Pinocho, con la esperanza de que se convierta en un niño de verdad. El Hada Azul hace realidad su deseo y da vida a Pinocho, pero conserva su cuerpo de madera. Pepito Grillo, la conciencia de Pinocho, tendrá que aconsejarlo para que se aleje de las situaciones difíciles o peligrosas hasta conseguir que el muñeco se convierta en un niño de carne y hueso.
El pointer
Mickey and Pluto go hunting for quail. Pluto scares away the first ones they see; Mickey scolds him, then relents. He shows Pluto how to be a pointer, and they set off after another quail, but Mickey accidentally jumps on a bear's nose, and thinks it's Pluto. Meanwhile, Pluto finds the quail and points. The babies climb on board and start picking at his hairs, but Pluto's been told not to move. Mickey finally comes across Pluto, who by now is covered by small animals, and realizes he's being followed by a bear. Mickey tries to reason with the bear, and backs off a cliff, onto Pluto.
El Pato Donald: Exploradores del mar
Donald tiene un gran barco de vela, con sus sobrinos como única tripulación.
El Pato Donald: Picnic en la playa
El pato Donald está en la playa intentando montar un flotador en forma de caballo. Ve a pluto en la orilla y decide gastarle una broma atacándole con su caballo de goma. Mientras tanto, un ejército de hormigas hace desaparecer la comina de Donald.
El Pato Donald: El partido de Golf de Donald
Donald se va a jugar al golf con sus sobrinos a un campo cerca de la playa. Para lograr concentrarse, insiste en tener silencio absoluto, incluso le molestan los cantos de los pájaros.
Los balleneros
Mickey, DOnald y Goofy se embarcan en un barco ballenero.
Krazy Spooks
On a stormy, windy night, Krazy's car breaks down so he and Kitty must seek refuge in an eerie old house. Happy the pup finds a skeleton, but the really scary resident is a huge, violent gorilla that runs off with Kitty, and Krazy must rescue her.
Light House Keeping
Krazy Kat runs his own lighthouse and when rough seas take over, he has to save a damsel in distress.
Hot-Toe Mollie
This jazzy short was one of two efforts in the very brief "Binko the Bear Cub" series. Completed in 1930 yet never exhibited in theaters. Created by a team of future animation stars including Preston Blair and brothers Bob and Tom McKimson, this fragmentary short of Binko haunting a run-down Mexican cantina whizzes along with funky, freaky visuals and fluid movement.