Gundula Rapsch

Nacimiento : 1963-01-26, Bochum, Germany

Muerte : 2011-12-14


Al límite de la esperanza
Helen es una atractiva mujer que mantiene relación con un doctor que pretende utilizarla de espía para conseguir información confidencial de un oficial de las SS, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Helen deberá seducir a un teniente para averiguar detalles sobre la partida de un submarino nazi, con el fin de interceptarlo y destruirlo. Pero con lo que no contaba ella era con enamorase de este oficial.
Liebe nach dem Tod
Life of Greta Bücking and Paul Markwart seems to be in perfect order. Both are happily married - until they find out that their spouse died in a plane crash. But increasingly compacted suspected that Lutz Bücking and Karin Markwart were not traveling on business, but on the way to their common love nest, is a cozy hotel on Amrum.
Zwei unter einem Dach
Ulrike Hofer
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.