Trini Kirtsey


Paranormal Highway
Josh Martin
En un día tranquilo de Octubre, un equipo de la universidad y sus entrenadores salen en un viaje de 3 días a un campeonato nacional. Desde la salida han ocurrido cosas extrañas en el autobús que han alquilado. Pronto todos los pasajeros deberán sobrevivir a unos depredadores que amenazan con destruir sus vidas.
Peterson Park
Chief Johnson
Peterson Park is an emotionally charged film that depicts how America would be if African-Americans were the oppressors. The film follows a group of individuals as their lives slowly change after the murder of, yet another, Caucasian teen by the hands of an African-American police officer.
The Old Winter
John Anderson
Asa Bodine returns to inherited farmland to rebuild his life 40 years after he left it during Depression-era Kentucky. Directed by John A. Coulter.
Musician is a short film about a young boy whose father abandons him to pursue a career in music leaving him to rely on others to help shape and guide him.